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I know this (^^^^^) doesn't have anything relevant to Merlin but it always makes me smile. Hope it does the same for you!


"You still haven't told us who you are!" Arthur pointed out.

"Well you already know I'm Will, Merlin's childhood friend, unless that didn't catch your attention when Freya called me Will." Will said cockily.

"Isolde, though perhaps you don't remember me." Isolde looked up from the embrace she was during with Freya.

"Balinor, the Dragon Lord." Balinor gruff voice spoke out again as he stepped further forward.

"You all know me quite well," the last spirit spoke for the first time and they all sucked in a surprised gasp of air.

"Lancelot?!" Percival exclaimed, barely breathing from his shock.

"Hello, my friends."

The entirety of the knights stood in shock. After five minuets of gawking Arthur realised what they were supposed to be doing.

"Can you explain now?"

"To explain everything would take an awful long time. For now, I'll show you the basics." Freya unhooked herself from Isolde and straightened her dress.

"What do you mean? Show us the basics, how can you show us the basics?" Leon questioned, even though he seemed to already know the answer.

"With magic."


Hey bunny's...
I'm so sorry. This is so short but I have no energy. At all.
I'll try harder next time.
Hope y'all have a wonderful half term and I'll try to update soon.
See y'all later.

Word count: 217

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