I have powers!

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      When I heard knocking on my door, I woke up and noticed I had demon/angel type wings coming out of my back. "What...oh no." I said as my door opened  slowly.
     I concentrated to hide them and I worked ! Just in time to because  Marge came in.  "Hello Jessica, you just got an invitation from Princess Samantha." She said with a paper my favorite color,black with silver faint swirls.  "Thank you,Marge,you and the others go take a break while I'm gone." I said and she left. I got in my evening dress, black with red trimming and went down stairs. "Hello, darling heading to the coach?" My mother asked me looking up from her book. "Yes,mom.I'll be back shortly and if i'm not i'll send you and father a letter." I said and walked to  the coach. "Princess Samantha's castle please, coachman." I said and we were off,on the way I couldn't stop thinking about the wings.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At Samantha's Castle~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I knocked on the door and Samantha opened it. "You're here,wonderful. Come on and hurry, the others are waiting in my room." She said grabbing my hand and pulling me to her room. 

When we got her room the other princesses stood up.  "Guys remember what happened last night?" Samantha said, but before she could finish she looked at me and gasped, so did the others.  "Jessica...you have w-wings!" she said and I looked behind me. "Yeah, it was the outgoing of the event last night.We all do, but mine are more darker in aura...Where did that come from." I said,not meaning to. I concentrated on hiding my wings again and it worked..again. "Everyone relax and yours will appear also." I didn't mean to say it,but I did,and since I was the oldest they did and everyone's wings appeared. I brother mine out again and looked at the others. "Jessica,your right yours seems more of a dark essence then ours." They all said in union. Then there was a woman's voice that said, She is part demon, that is why her essence is dark. Unlike the rest of you, she is drawn between Hell and Heaven.  we all gasped and our wings disappeared. " Quid est? Quis es? " I spoke in Latin. (What? Who are you?)  I was the owner of the book you ladies encountered. Don't worry though, I wont hurt you. The lady said.  I looked around at the girls and they all were quiet. I broke the silence, by humming. The others laughed as I danced with each of them. We ignored the voice and sung,hummed,and danced until we had to go back home. 

Arthur's note: What will happen next? Is the voice right about Jessica? What will the princesses do when their magic grow? That's for me to write and you to find out....Bye Now ;)



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