Chapter 3

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Not edited sorry hope you enjoy
The next morning (Monday)

Julie (Jayden's mom pov)

Ya think we shoul' tell her? I asked Mike (AN: Mike is Jayden's Father)
"Tell er' what? Oh honey I'm sorry but we kicked you out because we finally found your long lost sister and we needed the extra space? Yeah right" he said sarcastically.
As far as Jayden knows, she has one sister, Asia. He finished.
Fine. I mumbled.

Jayden's P.O.V
I walked into my parents house and heard "as far as Jayden knows, she has one sister, Asia" my dad said. "fine" my mom mumbled. I shrugged it off and decided to make my presence known. " Hey guys, I brung Jas so you guys can watch her while I head to school"
Startled by my appearance my mom jumped as if i was a stranger entering her home, "OH SWEETIE" she yelled, "that's fine" she says again. I ran to the front of the house to get Jas "JAAASSSSS" I rang, "come here baby" , the sound of her little feet soon grew closer and closer. " Yawsh"she said, I brung her to my parents after I explained where I was going and when I'd be back. "BYE GUYS" I yelled and exited the door. The whole drive to school I kept thinking about my parents conversation but I already had so much on my mind right now, I didn't want to think about any bad things, not now at least.
*At school*
When I walked into the school halls Alot of people said hey, but this is something that constantly happens. Once I got to my locker I got my books ready to head to class when this Fine new boy bumped into me, I bent down to get my books when I felt his eyes staring at me. "Sorry ma" he spoke. "it's coo" I simply stated. I hurried to pick up my books and walked away, not even giving him a chance to speak to me again. I made a mental note in my head to stay away from him, not because he seemed like trouble, I just don't want to get hurt. I walked into class and sat in my normal seat unaware that the mystery boy who'd just ran into me was seated right next to me. I plugged in my earphones not even caring about what the teacher was saying.
I remember wakin' up, bein broke but still it wasn't breakin' us I remember why I broke the rules, cuz I ain't really have nobody to look up to I remember cuttin' class, bein' bad, cuz I ain't have what them other kids had I remember wishin' that I knew my dad,
then I remember wi-
Just as I started to drift into sleep I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned to see who it was, him I mentally said. I didn't even bother to take my earphones out, I just gave him a blank stare. Not to be mean to be mean or anything, i just didn't want to be bothered. "say ma you undastand dis shii" "nah" I said and continued to listen to my music. I was almost sleep when he tapped me, "bruhh- , OHH Ms.White" he snickered. "Ms. Colton I suggest you pay attention or spend the afternoon with me. "ight, my bad Ms.W" she walked away as i put my headphones in my hoodie. "that's wat chu get" I heard him mumble. I shot him a look and he returned it by laughing, "childish man" I mumbled .
While I was gathering my things he decided it would be " fun" to pinch my arm tal bout sum "that was an accident". Without realizing what was happening I swung back and hit him in the mouth, "oops, that was a accident" I said sarcastically. He clenched his jaw and grabbed his cheek and started rubbing it, "dang ma" he chuckled. Not be able to contain my laughter I laughed along with him, I stuck out my hand for him to shake "Jayden" I said introducing myself. "August , aye ma fo'real tho can ya show meh where da chem lab at" "yea come on i'a show ya that's my next class anyways" On our way there I Found out he used to go to school at Gwendal High School but got in too many fights so he transferred to Nola High. We were the last two people to arrive in class. " Glad you two could join us. whats your name sir?" Ms.Trevizo said "ms.trevihoe dis da new student August Alsina, we only late because we aint wanna see yo ugly ass face" I explained. See the thing with me is I hate when dem teachers catch attitudes and be sarcastic like bihh im in yo class now aint I. I earned a few laughs from the students and went to my seat all the way in the back. When I sat down August sat next to me "aye Jayden yo down right dirty fo dat dawg" he said as a chuckle escaped his mouth. I looked at him and busted out laughing. "Ms.Colton one more sound and your headed to the principles office" Ms.Trevihoe yelled "shut da fuck up" I said under my breath. August shook his head at me and asked for my number.
"maaaa im hea" I yelled as ilI walked into my parents house. I was now on my Lunch block so I decided to stop at my parents house to check on jas. I walked into the living room where I saw some pretty girl playing with jasmine.

"umm who are you" I asked the girl

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"umm who are you" I asked the girl. She looked up and smiled "Im Jaylen, is this your daughter?" she answered. "oh yea, and nice to meet you Jaylen im Jayden" I said as I picked Jasmine up. "hii mommy" Jas said as she hugged me tight. "hi baybeh girl were you good for nana and jaylen" "yews Mommy i was good" she grinned extra hard. "dats good where is my mom Jaylen" "oh shes in the kitchen " she responded. I nodded my head and intered the kitchen. "hey ma" i said as i kissed her on her cheek "hey jay, why you not aint school" she asked "umm im on lunch break duuhh" i told her "oh haha i fo got wat time it was" she spoke kind of nervous and on edge "so ma who dat girl out there" i asked to see if she would tell the truth. "oh ummm well thats uhhh thats Jaylen" she managed to speak. I caught how she just tensed up real quick like she was scared or sum but ima let it slide fo now. " oh aight well i gotta go back to school see ya in a few" i hugged her as i said my goodbyes to everyone and gave my baby girl a kiss on her forehead and got into my white porsche truck.
When I started the truck Anthony Alsina's this thing called life album was blasting and my favorite song came on song cry came on and i started jamming. Sometimes I get emotional
And I can't seem to find the way I'm s'posed to go And all these so-called people that I'm s'posed to know They be the main ones
Smile up in your face, but behind your back they hate So I hope you know
You're like the only reason I'm emotional
My tears fall like water so that I can grow
Not like I was before Tryna make a change, I need something more... I sung as I pulled up to the school and turned the truck off i saw August leaning against a all black bmw in the parking space next to where my car was parked. "Hey August " i smiled as I hoped out the truck. He rolled his eyes "wassam jay ion see how yall women like 'anthony alsina' he aint all dat" I laughed at him "you jus made cuz you aint him and nun of dem hoes want chu" he side eyed me and chuckled "aight bet chu i'ca get two girls numba" he said "aight if u win you can come over and I'll make u diner, buh if i win you have ta rub my feet in every class we got fo a week" "aight shake on it" we shook hands and he went to a group of girls, while Bree came by my car "heyyy bish" she said as she hugged me "hey bae". "whos dat cute boy you were talkin ta" "girl dats August he new hea" just as she was about to say somethin else he came up behind me an pushed me " I got Two girls numbas, and i would like chicken alfrado " "i'a text you da address be der at 8" I tol him.
Run up them bands on the regular Hittin' my plug on the celly, yeah Tell my ex bitch that I'm sorry I'm a skate off in the 'Rari Keep 36 by my side I'm a go bake me a pie Keep 45 on my side Fuck with my niggas, you die All of my niggas say blood All of my niggas say cuh
OT, I found me a plug I got it straight out the mud Keep it a hundred, no budge I fell in love with the drugs Bustin' it down in the tub
Pay me my money in dubs Water whippin', lookin' like I'm fishin' Baseball in kitchen, with my arm I'm pitchin' Rolie on, it's glistenin', now my doner kissin' Niggas steady trippin' so I'm steady grippin' Dirty money on me, got a scale up on me I don't fuck with phony, 'bout to sell a pony All these niggas on me, all these bitches on me Say my price is good, motherfucker, show me
*Knock knock knock *
I turned my music down and answered the door. "hello augustine" i said with a snicker. "bruhh Jayden you play too much" "whatever nigga come in " he walked in my house and jas ran up to him " hiwo ia jawshmine" "wassup pretty mama" August said as soon as he said that jas started to blush. "okay guys lets eat" I brung the food to the kitchen table and we started eating. August lookd a little hesitant to touch his food. "is the'a sum wrong mr.alsina" i asked "hell yea did u poison dis shii?" he asked seriously "no nigga" he then ate it and looked shocked as hell. "mawmy wats a nigga" jas said "dont say dat word jas dats a bad word " i said as i looked at her. "yesh mam" she said and continued to eat ger food while me and August had a conversation.

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