Chapter 3

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The teacher called out Abbie's name, and to her relief, her name was followed by someone who didn't bother her. She assumed her gut instinct was wrong. She sighed in relief and looked towards the back of the room to see her partner. The desk was empty and Abbie's stomach sank. The only other person that hasn't been called was Alex and another student. When she turned around and saw another empty desk. "Please don't make me partners with Alex, please" Abbie thought to herself. "Abbie, I guess you and Alex will be partners then" the teacher said nonchalantly. Abbie stared down at her book, trying to hide her blush.

When she looked up, Alex was sitting in the desk in front of her, facing her. "So I guess we're partners" he stated in a calm and friendly voice. She nodded and before she could say anything, the teacher began to explain the assignment. The pairs were supposed to each write a 5 page script. There would need to be two roles and the pairs would have to act them out by the end of the month. The teacher stated that the students would have little time in class to work on the projects, and suggested the pairs swap phone numbers or something else to keep in contact.

As the teacher went around to the different groups, having them pull folded pieces of paper out of a box, that had the names of the genres they had to make their script about, Alex slid a small piece of paper with his number on it, to Abbie. When the teacher had reached Abbie an Alex, Alex insisted that she picked. Abbie reached down and plucked a random piece of folded paper from the box. She then unfolded the paper and that one word, that one genre, written on the piece of paper gave her all kinds of mixed emotions. Alex saw Abbie's face and gently slid the paper out of her hand. He looked down and his eyes widened and he had a slight pink tint to his pale cheeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2016 ⏰

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