chapter one

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A teenage dream

Chapter 1:

As I sit outside in the rain I look around my yard picturing in my head if it was cloaked it a thick layer of snow with snowflakes gently gliding down through the thin air around me. My daydreams are interrupted by a loud bang of thunder, yet I do not dare move. Slowly my thoughts lead to the situation I am putting myself into and how staying sitting here is not the wisest of choices I decide to make my way into my home swiftly up the steps to the roofed patio and into the door.

 “Having fun are we Melissa?” My air head brother Kevin asks me with a smirk. How I hate that smirk. Kevin has medium brown hair unlike my dirty blond with blue eyes (the same shade as mine) and vary defined cheek bones but not to the extent of him looking starved. “You know…” Kevin asks, “I’m pretty sure I heard of someone who was put in a mental hospital for sitting out in the pouring rain for no apparent reason.” He finishes smirking again.

“That’s gold coming from someone who likes to sing Italian opera in the shower and likes to store porn in his sock drawer.” This time I am the one smirking as I hear a loud rumble of laughter that I could have mistaken as thunder. I turn to see three boys standing beside each other with laughter escaping their mouths.

Two I recognized to be Matt - who has bleach blond hair and green eyes but it looked good on him - and Christen – who is a light hazel hair color and dark brown eyes -, the third I have never seen in my life that I know of. I couldn’t help but discover the unknown person’s appearance. He has a dirty blond quaff – which I must say looks rather hot on him – and the most trustworthy looking emerald green eyes.

Getting back to reality, I sent Matt a questioning look which he caught right away. “Oh Mel, this is Landon. Landon, this is Melissa, but you can call her Mel.” Matt finishes. “And she is downright single” My brother interjects while walking beside me as he blares in laughter. Before he knew it I gave him a hard smack on his right arm hat made quite the noise making him grab his arm in pain causing me to gain his cocky smirk.

“Ah, brother/ sister rivalry. Isn’t it just so beautiful,” Christen grads both Matt and Landon’s shoulders giving them both a shake and a squeeze. “Almost as beautiful as the sister.” Christen throws me a wink with a side smirk.

“Keep on dreaming!...” Matt, Kevin and I say simultaneously earning a laugh from Landon; Oh London’s laugh I swear its addicting.

“Okay, it was great seeing you guys but I have something I need to get to so I’ll see you guys later. Nice meeting you Landon,” I smile and make my way upstairs through the house to go to my bedroom. Once I get to my room and whip out my phone calling my best friend Emma.

Ring… Ring… Ring…

“Hey Mel!” Emma answers. “Ello love.” I answer in a fake posh british accent. “Oh hey Issa, what’s new?” She asks. “Well I was wondering if you would like to come over?, like right now?” I urge in a despite tone.

“Is there something I should be worried about!?” Emma asks with a variety of emotions conducted in her voice. ”Besides the twin brother aspect I’m just bored and would really appreciate it if my best friend of thirteen years to come and join me on my conquest to battle the depressing boredom.” I finish.

“Wow I’m impressed! So who is he?, by the way since when did you have such an enhanced vocabulary?” Emma asks with her ‘give-me-the-gossip/411’ voice.

“My vocabulary just enhances when I have a lunatic of a brother downstairs probably playing video games downstairs with his three friends or reading some porn while I am her talking on the phone to my wonderful best friend that I hope will get her butt down here so that I am not going to be up in my room on a social networking site instead of enjoying that presence of another human being with me such as yourself. In other words I’m bored and my mind is going to play tricks on me although it possibly already has and I might be going crazy!” I said my face flushing with embarrassment.

Suddenly I heard her fit of laughter burst through the line.

“You didn’t answer my question.” Emma said as she finally controlled her unbearable laughter which caused me more embarrassment. “Huh?” I questioned her.

“WHO IS HE?!” Her sudden outburst made me drop my phone.

“My bro’s new friend” I replied sheepishly. I heard her inhale another breathe before she spoke. “Do I know him?” Emma asked genuinely curious. ”No I think he is new to town I have never seen him before,” I answer. The one bad thing about trying to tell your best friend about someone you just met is how they need to know every single detail; also how just by your description they decide whether or not they like them or not. Vary confusing if you ask me but I’m used to it.

“Oh okay, and by being the trustworthy friend I am-“ I cut her off. “Not being cocky of course I see” I laugh. ”Well if you let me finish you would know I wasn’t being that cocky.” She exclaimed taking a longer than needed ‘that’.

“Sorry continue…” I urged her putting my hands up in defense knowing well that she can’t see me. “I was going to say before I was rudely interrupted was that…” Emma dragged out knowing how it annoyed me. “Was that I am not going to go for him because that’s how good of a friend I am,” she finished. I started laughing uncontrollably probably making my brother think I’m insane.

“Emma you have a boyfriend, and I even set you two up so of course you can’t go for him; I mean ignore the girl code because you don’t cheat which is a reason me and Tomas – your boyfriend – respect you as much as we do.” I said while containing my laughter. “Plus when he first met me I was sitting outside for no apparent reason in the RAIN!” I said using extra emphasis on the word rain. “Okay I guess you’re right, but seriously in the rain?” Emma scolded. “I was bored okay? Can you just come over before I lose all my finger nails?” I said clearly sarcastically adding a laugh at the end. “I’ll be over in five!” Emma’s said before she hanged up the phone on me.

Hanging up my phone I chucked at my bed and made my way to my closet. Taking off my sweats and tank top I traded them for jean shorts and my favorite purple pull over hoodie that says ‘Orlando Florida Disney adventure parks’ while pulling on a pair of adidias socks. Deciding today is a make-up free day I wondered downstairs to the kitchen. Deciding that Emma and I will probably just watch movies in my bedroom considering the media room is being held captive by my brother. I grabbed my favorites… a box of oreos, two bags of popcorn, a jumbo pack of twizzlers, two water bottles, and a package of M&M’s. Swiftly grabbing all my supplies I took it to my room and dumped it on my bed which luckily sits directly in front of the TV.

I have a pretty good sized room in my opinion; on the wall opposite of my bedroom door is a wall with a large window with a window seat along the bottom edge and on each end is a small but tall book shelf. The wall with my bed has a black fluffy couch that can fit three people not squished together beside my bed on the side closest to my window with two bean-bags scattered in front of it. There are shelves over my bed and couch that hold my CD’s, sport trophies, etc. On the opposite side of my bed from the couch I have a night stand with a bedside lamp and an alarm clock that loves to wake me up in the early mornings. The wall that has the door to enter my room also has a door that leads to my small walk-in closet. There is also another door beside my TV that leads to the shared in-suite bathroom that is connected to my brother’s room as well. And beside the door is my TV and desk.

After bringing all the movie snacks, I run downstairs to grab a breakfast tray for holding all the snacks but accidently bump into a hard chest sending me stumbling backward a couple steps. I look up to see a surprised looking Landon.

“Um sorry…” I mumble looking at my feet. “It’s all good.” Landon says a smile clear in his voice. Shyly I look up to see his smirking face. “Oh sorry,” He said moving to my right the exact same time as I did. Coincidentally we both took a step to my left again. “Here,” Landon said moving to the right rotating about ninety degrees to his left signaling with his hand for me to forward. “Thanks.” I smile taking his offer.

Entering the kitchen while I was thinking of the encounter I just witnessed I grabbed the tray running back upstairs careful to not bump into anyone. As soon as I finished putting the food on the tray I heard the front door open then mine. “Hey Em!” I replied giving her one of my known to be bear hugs. “Hey Mel!” She copied mocking my excitement towards her arrival. I gave her one of my not so famous disapproving looks which made her shut up. Hehe...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2013 ⏰

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