Chapter 1

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Picture on the top is Alex. Alex Pettyfer, yum yum.

I gasp as I wake from another nightmare . It's the same everytime, Ian, Jack, or Yassen, standing there, asking me why I killed them. Why i because the traitor they always knew I would be. Because that is what MI6 made me.

A traitor.

I'm sure there are people in this world that would take one look at me and know. I am a killer, and once you kill someone,you are never the same. Ever.

Sobs wrack my body , but no tears come. I haven't really cried since before Ian's death. That's almost 2 years ago. Now I am 16 and living life like no 16 year old should .

Alone, in silence, in guilt.

I try and forget all that has happened to me. All that I have done ,but I can't . There is no way in my life, will I ever forget the pain and heartbreak I have been through.

All the doctors say that it is depression. That I need to speak to someone about what has happened. Even the heads don't know what really happened on all of those missions. They only cared about what the outcome became . Now they probably wish they had, now because of all the pain, I can't function. I get up, most likely from a nightmare, eat,go to school ,come home , eat, and sleep.

MI6 only care about my pain now because I am not capable of doing anymore of those stupid missions, and for that I am glad. Glad that I have no more pain to go through . Glad that maybe I can try and be slightly closer to normal.

My head snaps up as I hear a ring go through the house. The phone hasn't rang since Jack's death. But I already know who is calling. Nobody would call at this hour of the day. Only them. I let the call go to voice message, I don't feel like answering.

"Alex, this is Ms. Jones. You need to get out of your house right now , Scorpia is on there way. We have received a threat saying the were going to assassinate you, we have agents on the way ..........." I don't hear the rest of the message as I am attack from a figure who had just thrown himself through my bedroom door.

I quickly try to get up but get caught in my sheets. The figure jumps on top of me and proceeds to punch and jab anywhere he can. I fight off most but he still gets a lot in. Finally he is pulled off and I see MI6 agents flood my room. A man comes up to me and carries me outside into a black car.

I don't see what happened next seeing as I fall unconcious, all I know is that I woke up I  MI6 with wires sticking out of me. I walk over to the bathroom and look in the mirror. Looking back at me is a young child who has see too much for his years. He has black and blue bruises going down his body, and he is sickly pale.

I feel tears building in the back of my eyes from what I have became. Even when jack was alive it was never this bad. I have never given up, but now, I have nothing to live for. And that is apparent in my appearance .

A nurse enters the bathroom and tells me I have to go  ask to bed . I want to fight her but the bags under my eyes convince me enough. She looks relieved , I guess I can't blame her for being relieved. If I wasn't me, I would be too, but the only  feeling I can feel anymore is pain, and grief.

I fall asleep in seconds . It is not short lived as I am once again pulled into another nightmare . This one of Ian telling me it is my fault that he is dead and it should have been me instead, that he would have been more capable to take care of Jack. The sad part is, that I actually believe it. Ian could have done so much more for Jack, all I ever did for her was kill her , and I don't think she appreciated that very much.

The second day that I am here I get a visit by blunt and Jones . It isn't very pleasant conversation.

"Alex it has been decided for you safety that you go to breacon beacons for a while until we can neutralize the threat that has been made against you. This is not up for disscussion, you will be going, you leave tonight." And with that they left, so really it wasn't a conversation but more of information .

The nurses helped me get ready to leave. Thankfully they had a long sleeve shirt and a pair of sweatpants for me. Otherwise my bruises would be on show for every one around. I didn't appreciate all the pity~filled looks from the nurses. I don't want their pity or anyone else, ever.

I know at breacon beacons I won't be recording pity from anybody, and for that I am thankful, but otherwise, the is no reason why I want to be there.

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