Chapter 2

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The picture is of wolf. Stephen Amell, yum yum.

I step out of the car expecting someone to be here so that I wouldn't get lost, or maybe because of the threat that is currently sitting on the top of my head, but no, let's let Alex walk around without protection, he can take care of himself. If I can bloody take care of myself then why the hell am I here. Sometimes MI6 really are confusing .

I decide that instead of throwing myself a pity problem and just make my way to the sergents office by myself. No need to stay out in the open for longer then necessary . Never know, there could be assassin's hiding in the bushes and I wouldn't even know.

The walk to the sergents office was short and filled with many confused stares. Some stares were filled with hatred or recognition. The hate filled and confused were mainly from the new recruits that were training when I went by. I even saw a glance from a solder that looked horrified when he got a glance of my face that I was hiding underneath my hoodie.

I knocked on the wooden door and entered when I heard a grunt in reply. I went into position and waited until he said that I could move.

"Relax, soldier , it's nice to see that some of MI6's mutts are trained to be respectful." He grumbled as he stood up from his desk and walked around it. "They must not have taught you to take off your hoodie though because that is disrespectful. So please remove of your hoodie." I slowly pulled down my hood and could almost feel the horrified and confused look that crossed his face.

"Cub, what, what happened to you." I looked up and connected eyes with him and I saw a small amount of fear break into his gaze as he looked at my emotionless eyes.

"I'm sorry I cannot say, it's classified." My voice was mechanical , making a shiver go up his spine as I spoke. Last time I saw the servant he was much better at hiding his emotions then this. My appearance must have really shaken him.

"Oh, well I guess it makes more sense now that MI6 demanded that you be put with K-unit. I was hesitant about it since it seems there until gets picked off a lot. First you, then fox leaving, and their new member joining. They have just had a hard time adjusting the past few months. I didn't want to stick with some MI6 agent, but now that I K of who you are it doesn't really matter . I would have put you with them anyway." I don't say anything as the sergant rambles , obviously uncomfortable with the situation, me being black and blue and all.

I feel my eyes softening as he rambles, knowing he cares about me and his units. I decide that I should cut him off though before he dies of not breathing enough.

"Sir, it's fine. MI6 are controlling bastards that have no regard to what people want or need. They just do what is most convenient for them, and sending me here for the time being was convenient." My voice this time isn't as mechanical and there is some humor in it. He instantly stops rambling and let's out a forced chuckle. I can't help but feel my lip twitch up into a half smile . The first smile since Jack has died.

"Well you have already been here so I will just give you your schedule and let you go, no need to go over rules that you obviously remember. Your schedule will be the same as your units, but just in case you get called out for something and have to meet them there . The cabin number is 24, and be careful, the new recruits aren't going to like that you are here." I nod and crack another smile as I think about all the looks I got on the way here.

"Oh trust me, I think they already don't like me." I tell him, he smiles and hands me a piece of paper before telling me to leave at the last second giving me a couple pairs of clothes for the next couple of days before I get ones that will be my size. Even at 15 I am very much smaller then everyone here, it doesn't help that I am also short for my age. If you stood me next to a 13 year old he would probably be taller.

I walk back out of his office this time with my hood off and I get mixed reactions. The recruits were either happy I had been beaten up by the sergant, smug that it hsppened, and the people who remember me looked on with pity. I did not want anyone's pity.

With confidence I walked towards K-unit's hut hoping they would be out training so I would not have to see them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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