"Just to see if you're okay""Oh"
"Don't worry, I'm sure nothing's wrong."
Third Person POV
"I really hope that there's nothing wrong with him" Namjoon said pacing around Jin's office."Me too, it'd be a shame seeing as he's already going through a lot" Jin said, looking up at the distressed younger. "Namjoon, don't worry too much, I'm sure it's nothing and was just a one off nightmare! We obviously just want to be on the safe side"
"You don't think I know that?!?" Namjoon yelled stopping dead in his tracks and staring at the seated male "I've had to see that boy every single week for two years! Even when he wasn't permanently hospitalised I had to give him check ups! We've grown to be friends Jin!! I would be hurt as fuck if there was more wrong with him! As if finding out he's going too die wasn't enough!!"
Namjoon's knees gave way from underneath him as he fell to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. The elder quickly stood up and rushed over to his side, lightly rubbing circles on his back.
"Joonie, please don't cry. He will be okay, I promise" he spoke softly, wrapping his arms around the weak other, bringing him into a loose embrace.
"But what if he's not, what if there is more to this than we thought! I don't want him to be more ill than he already is" Namjoon sobbed onto Jin's shoulder, tightening the hug and bringing Jin down to his level.
"Think positive. If everything is okay then the operation can go ahead and he may even be out of here soon! Then he will get to love his life like a normal man" Jin responded whilst running his finger softly through Namjoon's pink hair, twirling some pieces lightly around his fingers as he did. "It'll be okay Joonie"
Jin lightly kissed the youngers forehead and cupped his hands around his cheeks. "Now stop crying and think positive" he whispered as he wiped the tear stains from Namjoon's tanned face.
"Thank you Jinnie" Namjoon said looking deeply into his eyes, he leaned forwards and pressed his lips gently against Jin's.
This was his relief, the only painkiller he needed. Jin's love and affection.
He didn't need the drinks or drugs or anything like that, what he needed was to be held in Jin's arms while he whispered sweet nothings in his ear, playing with his hair as he did. That was what Namjoon needed, and he needed it now more than anything.Because the more Jimin broke, the more the people around him did as well.
(yes I know here in UK and some other places it's no longer Valentine's Day, I was just a bit late to publish this)whale den.
there ye go.
Valentine's special.
BAPSAE.Hope (I'm your hope, I'm your Angel) (pause doe) you liked this.
the last sentence hit me in the feels doe.

satisfaction - & j.jk
Fanfiction❝leaves fall when they die but they're still beautiful❞ ❝are you calling me a leaf?❞ -- two boys falling in love as their lives fall out of their hands. -- [smut has been removed because god do i regret that] ©keysthetics 2015