Chapter 9: The Banquet

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Lucy's POV

It's been about two weeks since that day Natsu left me sitting in garden alone. Two weeks since my smile faded again.

I sighed and went into the bathroom. I pulled my long hair into a messy bun and started up a hot bath. Hot steam filled the air as I laid in the tub. A soft moan of comfort escaped my lips as I let the water envelope around my body.

"Miss?" I heard Virgos voice come from outside the room.

"Yes?" I called back. "The banquet is in about three hours, don't forget" she told before leaving.

Shit i totally forgot about that. I drained the tub and wrapped the towel around my marvelous curves and turned on my hair curler. I went into my closet and pulled out the pink dress and laid it carefully on my bed.

I decided to do my hair and make first so I lessen the chance of ruining my dress. First I applied a light power to my fair skin, followed my a silver cover the top of my eyelids. Then I masked that with a light pink.

I decided on a small wing for my eyeliner and mascara to thicken my lashes and give them the longer effect. I brushed on some blush and painted my lips with a matte pink/red lipstick.

Next I took my hair down and curled all the ends of my hair. I pulled two strands and tie them to the back. My bangs hung across my forehead and I had to side pieces curled at the tip curving around my cheeks.

Please with my appearance I leave the bathroom and head to my dress. I pull it carefully out of the bag and on zip it. I sip into it and attempt to zip it but can reach the top.

"Virgo!" She came within seconds. "Yes ma'am?"

I pointed to my back and she nodded. I heard a loud zip! Then felt the dress grow tighter. "Thank you Virgo." She smiled and walked out. I took one final glance into the mirror to make sure I was banquet ready.

"Time to get going I suppose" I muttered as I called a cab to bring me to the city. I regret it, I wish I would have ask Capricorn to stay tonight and drive me.

The cab driver gave me the creeps and it smelt horrible. As soon as he game to a stop I threw some money at him and flew out.

The banquet looked extremely lavishing. The chandelier was sparkling with millions of sparkling lights, the curtains were a slick golden golden. The lights reflected perfectly on the shiny floor. Over all it was a nice sight.


I turned to see my head executive assistant Levy McGarden. "Hey levy-chan!" I smiled and gave a small wave. She walked up with her boyfriend Gajeel. He also worked at the company, that's were the two grew closer.

"Yo Lucy! Where's the beer?" I cringed as my alcoholic friend Cana appeared. She too worked with me. We all graduated the same year and later on they all slowly joined the company. It pleased me to have responsible friends working by my side.

Cana knows better than to come to work drunk or hungover so her attitude changed but out of work she's still the same as ever. We all began talking till he walked in. "Damn Salamander tch" I heard Gajeel mutter.

"Ahh Erza!" Levy squealed as the red head walked up. She, along with Gray and Juvia had joined with Natsu. But I couldn't hold a grudge on them, after all we weren't all that close but they were all still friends. "Hello everyone" Erza spoke so softly and mature.

"Love rival!" I looked over my shoulder to see an angry Juvia headed in my direction. I sweat dropped a bit. "Juvia.. I'm honestly not going to steal Gray from you. I barley even see him around" she smiled then jumped on Gray yelling "Gray-sama!! What do you think of Juvias dress!?!"

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