Scince when do we have company anymore

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Bellas P.O.V

I walked out of the mall and headed to my car. I really needed today. I also got a really pretty dress from Michale Kors and some matching shoes.

There was just somethingwrong with today. Like you know that feeling where todays a really productive day in your life but its also too good to be true?

Last time I had a good day like this my father died, so I have like a gut feeling somethings ganna happen.

When I got home It was a little chaotic. Not much but more than usual. I started heading upstairs but I heard a familiar voice say my name.It was my mother

"Bella sweetheart go get ready were having company for dinner. And wear something nice we want to make a good impression on our guests." she smiled anciously.

It was weard cause I dont think I heard her talk directly to me in weeks so I was alittle confused.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked after looking behind me to see if I was blocking anyone.

"Oh bella dont be silly who else would I be talking to" she stated in her light southern accent that I was always envious of.

Even though I hated my mother she was unhumanly beautiful! She had naturaly curly brown waves that would stop under her shoulders, and these big brown eyes I inherited from her. And you couldnt forget about her slim slightly tanned body.

We were close once. When I was little though. She would take me to the brook behind our backyard.

It was almost magical at night wher you saw the fire flies fluttering around.

And we would have really fun picnics under the willow tree near it. But I geuse it just gradually stopped and at point.

I wouldnt see her for weeks cause she was so busy so we grew apart.

"Since when do we have company anymore?" I asked curiously. "Since now Bella." She replied agitated

"Now go get changed sweetheart."

I was about to aske her if she was ok but she saw Gio walking into the kitchen.

"Oh Giovanni i've been looking everywhere for you. Would you be able to make spinach and artichoke pasta? Our guests are vegitarians. She asked."

"Of corse miss"he sais quickly walking into the kitchen but not before looking up at me.

I walk upstairs to my room and sit at my vanity. Talking to her brings back memories.

I look at the mirror and see stray tears fall from my eyes. Before I can start sobbing I hear my phone buzz and I quickly answer it.

"Hello?" I ask trying to cover my blood shot eyes with concealer.

"Are you crying again"?jacob sighs through the phone.

"You try having your father die Jacob!" I snaped giving up on the makeup.

"You're right i'm sorry. I'm just worried about you. Its been two weeks since you've been to school." he says.

"Jake i'm fine really. I just need time to.... Its just I dont think I can be around all those people." I say and stare myself in the mirror.

"Um Bella I have to te-" befor he can finish I here my mother.

" Bella are you almost ready the cullens are nearly hear." she yells from downstairs.

I sigh and look at my phone. "Jake i'll call you later. Somethings up, my mom hasn't talked to me face to face since he died. Now we are having geust over and its all fine." I say and look towards the door.

"Ok bells. Just.... cheer up Charlie would want you happy call me later." he says.

"Ok bye I have to get ready." I replied and ended the call.

I did my makeup a little stronger than usual and put on the dress I bought today. It was a lace trim black dress with lace a design at the hems.

I curled my hair and put on a neacklace to finish the outfit off. I sprayed on my favoirte french perfume and went downstairs.

My heels ckicked against the floors and echoed off of the empty hallways I walk into the dining room and see my mom fixing her hair. I rool my eyes and cross the dining room.

"Oh Isabella you look great." she exclaimed. I smiled alittle at that "Just let me fix your hair a little" she sais while forming my hair into place. I rolled my eyes at that.

She caugh my gave and stopped. "Behave you need to make a good impression on the Cullens." she sais sternly.

"The Cullen's?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yes Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, Edward, and Alice." she replied impatiently and straightens her dress.

I nod and the doornell rings. She drags me behind her and stops in the foyer.

"Be nice." she commands and opens the door after plastering a fake smile on her face. I sigh and a group of people pile into the foyer.

'Cullens wher have I heard that?" I ask myself in my head. I look up and use my fake smile I know too well at the family in front of me.

"Isabella this is Carlisle and Esme his wife and these are their children Alice" she says pointing to a small pixie looking girl with dark brown hair, "Emmett," she continued and points to a guy that looks similar to a boulder, " and Edward." she finished and points to a guy with bronze looking hair and hazel eyes.

I avert my gaze and look at my mother thaen look back at the family.

"Bella." I amend quietly.

"Its very nice to meet you bella." Esme says with a freindly smile.

'Bella be nice' I think. "You too... Have I met you before? Cullen, Reminds me of something." I asked

"Honey, I dont think you've meet them before" my mom says with an amused laugh. I slightly cringe at the choice of words she uses to call me. I stay quiet and my mom claps. "Lets eat" she exclaims leading every one to the dining room.

Its ganna be a long night.

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