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You walk into Starbucks, pushing your hair out of your face. You look around for your friend. You look down at your phone to make sure you read the text right. Starbucks, 2:30 pm. Well, it's 2:00... You sigh, knowing you probably shouldn't have showed up this early. Might as well get something to drink. Luckily, there's no line. You walk to the cashier. You decide to order your usual. After asking for your name and giving you your change, the cashier hands you your receipt. "Thanks," you say, in an almost inaudible voice.

After waiting awhile, you get your drink. You decide to take a seat by the window. You log into tumblr on your phone. For the next few minutes, you scroll through your dashboard, sipping your drink. It's been 20 minutes. You put your cup on the table as you shift positions. A header appears on your phone. It's a text from your friend, saying she'll be there in five minutes. You reply, letting her know you're here already. Just as you hit the send button on your phone, you look up to see someone looking at you. He's a few tables away. When your head moves up to see him, you notice his eyes move down to his cup. You look him over, glancing to your phone, then back to him. He's sitting across from someone. You can't see his companion, so you concentrate on him. He's wearing a black shirt. He has dark hair. Whoever he's with, seems to say something to him. He laughs in response, only to grin later on. The only thing you're thinking about is how cute this guy is. Why would he be looking at you? Wait, was he even looking at you? You shrug to yourself, thinking that he was probably looking at something or someone, and you thought he was looking at you. You roll your eyes at yourself, calling yourself stupid in your mind. You go back to scrolling through your dashboard. After a minute, you glance up at the door to check if your friend's there. She isn't. Your eyes shoot to the boy again. Once you glance at him, you notice him look from you to whomever he's with. You're seriously considering that this guy is looking at you. The first time, you thought, maybe not. But this time, who knows. Maybe...

Just as you're about to laugh to yourself, someone comes through the door. Your friend waves when she notices you. She nods towards the counter. That means she's gonna buy something first. You nod in acknowledgement. After a moment, she walks towards you. Your friend takes a seat across you. "Hey."

"Hi," you reply.

"Guess what," she says with wide eyes.


With a hushed voice, she leans over the table saying, "See those guys over there?" She nudges her head towards the table with the guy who was looking at me.

"The two? With the one guy wearing black?" you suggest, biting your lip to prevent yourself from laughing.

She nods, a large smile creeping on her face. "Why?" you ask,

"Well," your friend says, putting her cup on the table, "the one guy, like the one facing away from here."


"He's insanely cute. Like, I can't even begin to describe it."

You laugh, thinking to yourself, that maybe she was describing the other guy.

You guys start talking about how it's been. What you've been up to. That new song your favorite band just released. You let out a laugh and your eyes shift to him again. This time, you catch him looking at you. You two hold a gaze for a few seconds, until he finally glances to the side. Your heart starts beating faster once you realize how amazing his eyes are. You sigh as quietly as you can, just so your friend won't notice.

"Ok, what the hell?"

You raise your eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"You keep glancing over there," she says tilting her head to the right. "What's up?"

"Well, it's just-"

She lowers her voice, "Wait... Is it a cute guy or something?"

"Well," I mutter, "it's just... This guy... Has been looking here..."

"Which guy?" she asks, her eyes filling with excitement. Just as she says that, the other "insanely cute guy" gets up and walks to the restroom.

"The guy sitting with the other guy you said was insanely cute."

"Ah," she replies, leaning back. Your friend turns her head as naturally as she can. After a moment, she looks back at you. She has an ecstatic grin on her face. "Cute," she murmurs, laughing.

You groan. "I know."

Your friend motions for you to check again. "What?" you mouth.

She mouths, "Look at him again."

You shake your head furiously. "Do it," she insists.

"Fine." You roll your eyes.

For some reason, a smile is on your face as you glance at him. This time, he's staring at you. He doesn't look away or drop the gaze. This time, he's smiling back at you, acknowledging that you can see him too. Your heart nearly stops when you look into his eyes. He has an incredible smile and striking eyes. This time, you feel like looking away, but there's just something that convinces you to keep looking.

Finally, he gives up, looking down at his cup once again. He still has that perfect smile on his lips. Your heart feels like it can soar through the sky. How can just seeing some complete stranger make you feel this way? You have no idea.

"He was looking at you, wasn't he?" you hear your friend's voice say.

You nod, without saying a word. "Hmm... I'm just gonna go make a call," she tells you, standing up and pointing, which usually means something. She gives you a look, and you want to tell her to stay, but it's too late. She walks out the door and holds her phone to her ear.

Before you realize it, you see someone standing in front of you. Scanning him, you already know who it is. "Um, hi," he greets you, in a voice that just makes you want to drop to the floor.

"Hey," you reply giving him a huge smile.

He holds out his hand. "Great to meet you."

You shake your head, unbelieving. You reach for his hand and shake it. Touching his hand sends sparks through your body. "Uh, you too."

He pulls his hand away. "Sorry if I kept staring," he apologizes, turning slightly red.

"It's ok. Sorry if I was staring back," you reply, attempting not to be awkward.

He gives you that wonderful smile as you stare into his gleaming eyes. "By the way, my name's Riley."

Before You Exit (one shots and imagines)Where stories live. Discover now