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Siemarie woke in her cot, sitting straight up and shuddering slightly. She had another nightmare. They had been happening much more recently, she had noticed. They always ended the same way. He was gone; lost to the dark side. There was nothing she could do as she watched him slaughter family after family. Every time, he was smiling. Smiling at her as though what he was doing was okay. Siemarie shook away those thoughts and hopped out of her cot. Perhaps feeling the cold metal of the floor would distract her enough for her to be able to get dressed. 

Her bare feet padded against the cool floor, moving to her regulation dresser, and slipping into a fitted orange jumpsuit. Also regulation. For a rebellion, this place sure had a lot of conformity issues. She shrugged the sleeves up past her elbows and strapped on her boots. Her eyes drifted to the mirror above the dresser. She hardly ever really looked at herself anymore. Siemarie reached a hand up and gently ran a few fingers over a scar that stretched from her forehead to her eyebrow. She had gotten it the last time she had seen him.

Her hair was put up into a bun quickly as she left her small room and made her way down to the central part of the Resistance base. It was only 0600 hours, and the room was already busy. People rushing from place to place with specific orders from General Organa. Siemarie stood in the archway of the room, leaning against a wall and taking a deep sigh. A sudden push to her shins and a loud beeping caused her to open her eyes. Siemarie looked down to see her R3-T2 unit shifting around her slightly.

"Hey! Now's not the time to be taking a nap!" The droid beeped and whistled. Siemarie was regretting the fact that she learned droid in the first place.

"Sorry, T2. Bit of a rough morning." She crouched down so that she was at eye-level with T2. The droid was mainly white with a few green accents, though the colors have faded throughout the years T2 had been alive. She was, of course, shaped like other R-Model droids. T2 let out a falling beep.

"Be that as it may, General Organa was wanting to speak with you." Siemarie rubbed her eyes.

"So early?"

"Well, sorry to say, being a Lieutenant has its drawbacks. Now, c'mon! We can't keep the General waiting!" T2 skittered through people's legs and gaps through the crowd. Siemarie shook her head and followed after, cursing that damned droid for being so fast. After pushing through a few rather annoyed Resistance pilots, she finally made her way to a large console, where the woman herself, General Leia Organa was waiting. She seemed to be looking at what was blueprints on the large holoscreen. Siemarie's mind sensed something. Something... dark. This wasn't going to be good.

"General, good morning." Siemarie's smile was met with a small frown. Siemarie let out a breath. "I knew this wasn't going to be good. Alright. Hit me with it." Siemarie watched as Leia's eyes drifted back towards the screen.

"This morning, we were given a small amount of intel about the First Order's new starship." Leia raised her hand to the screen and expanded a small portion of the picture. "It's not much, but it's enough to get the idea of what they've planned." Siemarie squinted at the picture, her lips parting slightly.

"Another Starkiller base? Jeez. These people have no creativity." Siemarie laughed at her own joke and was concerned when Leia didn't join in. She usually did. Shit. Something's up. "General?" Leia turned towards her, her gaze downcast. Her eyes met Siemarie's, and she could sense what she was about to say. "I-it... It's gone, isnt it? Kamino... It's gone." Leia's brows furrowed together in sympathy as she gently put a hand on Siemarie's shoulder. Siemarie looked at the holoscreen. He killed her planet. Her home. Her family was there, still in their old marsh of a shack. She hadn't commed with them in a while. She had been meaning to, she really had, but things had gotten so busy with destroying the original Starkiller base.

"I'm sorry, Lieutenant. If you need a minute to--"

"No. I'm... I'm fine." Siemarie wiped a tear away. She would save those for later. "Tell me... Tell me what I need to do to get these bastards." There was Leia's chuckle. It was melancholy, but it was still a chuckle.

"I need you to set up a surveillance mission. Pick out your best men and women. They--" Yet again, General Organa had been cut off.

"I'll do it myself." Siemarie turned back to the holoscreen with a slight anger.

"Lieutenant...! I cannot allow you to--"

"He killed them, Leia. He killed my family. He killed all of those innocent people. This is the last time i'll let him get away with this." Her fists were clenched, her knuckles white. A hand was placed on her shoulder once again. Siemarie turned to Leia. She had seen so much. She had felt the force, just like Siemarie had. She had all of this knowledge, this suffering, yet her eyes were young and playful as they were when she was given her first command. Leia said nothing, though her eyes said everything. Siemarie was going to do this mission. And she would do it alone.

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