you kill me

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walking into his hospital room I knew something was off. I knew something bad had happen.

"-lin. you have to think of what's gonna happen IF the treatment doesn't work. you should put together your um...paper work." his doctor slightly ordered him. "paper work? you mean my fucking will?" kellin asked; I knew this terrified him. the doctor nodded slowly not looking at him anymore. I feel so bad for him. he had to deal with this everyday and prayed that our families got better right along with us. "are you telling me I'm gonna die?" he asked his voice raising. "no kellin I'm not. I'm saying that you have cancer and cancer is scary, and cancer is a killer." the doctor said softly. "fuck..." kellin breathed. "excuse me." a nurse said walking past me. the doctor and kellin both looking surprised. I looked down not wanting to meet their eyes. "Julia..." kellin started but couldn't find the words. I nodded knowing what he was trying to say.

later that day

"so I was thinking babe." kellin started bringing me out of my daze. "since we were in the middle of recording a new album...we could try to get recording stuff in here. yeah they'd probably gonna have to redo a lot of it, but it would work." he said smiling; I knew his work would be the only thing that made him happy. he missed the feel of being in front of something and singing. "have you talked to the guys about it?" I asked sitting down next to him. "they said they'd look into it. what do you think about it?" he asked but I knew his mind was already made up. "I think if its all clear to go then it'll be great." I said cuddling up to him. "I've missed this." he said leaning into me. "missed what?" I asked looking up to him. "THIS. holding you." he said laying me back down. "we didn't get a lot of this know." he said sadly. "yeah I know...we've been kinda rushed." I said looking into his eyes. "do you want this?" he asked biting his lip. "if I didn't why would I be here." I stated. "because you feel sorry for me." he said looking at the wall. I got into his lap and said "why would I feel sorry for you? you're gonna beat this. you're gonna be ok. you're gonna get better." I said half to him and half to me. he nodded. "have I told you that I loved you?" he said smiling. "yes. yes you have." I said kissing him softly.


"guys I'm gonna do something crazy." I stated. "like you don't do crazy shit already." Gabe said laughing nervously. "I want to marry her." I said slightly shaking. "marry who?!" Jesse said loudly. "fucking Jesus! who do you think?" I said rolling my eyes. "are you sure about this?" Justin asked raising and eye brow. "I'm dying! I should at least have something to look forward to right?" I asked looking all of them in the eyes. no one had something to say. "this is where ya'll come into play." I said with a wicked smile. "how the hell would we help?" Gabe asked. "I need y'all to get a ring...and candles...and tacos!" I said siting up getting more and more happy about the thought. "kellin..." one of them started. "cancer!" I said. they all knew they lost the battle and set off on their own journeys.

Later that night

the candles were lit, the nurses knew not to come, the tacos were still hot and the ring was burning a hole in my PJ pocket. "kellin, work was a bitch! I had to serve a bunch of-- what's this?" she said stepping into the room. "its for you." I said smiling. "me?" she asked with a questionable look. I nodded as she took a seat at the end of the bed. a hospital bed table was between us with at least a dozen tacos. we had a giant fest and I had no clue if my body was gonna let me keep it all down. "you've been quiet." she said wiping the edges of her mouth. "there's something that I have to say but you can't interrupt me ok?" I asked and she nodded.

"we've been dating for about 2 and a half months now. yet I love you like no other. you're perfect with Copeland and she loves you. you get along with Kate and she's not the easiest person to get along with. you've been with me through this so far and I want you to keep staying with me. Julia I love you. I'm in love with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. will you keep me going? will you marry me?" I asked shaking as I pulled out the ring box.

"I don't know what to say.." she started. "oh..." I said pulling the ring back. "no no! I mean...yes! yes I'll marry you!" she said pulling the ring back. she opened it and found the ring. we both saw it for the first time.(to the right)

in my darkest days she is gonna be the one to pull me back into the light....

A kellin quinn story: part oneWhere stories live. Discover now