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"Bubs, what do you think about this spot?" I ask while directing my hand to the one empty spot on the ground. After getting a yes from Mark I forward myself to placing the picnic, there's so many people here, well what else could you expect, it's free movie day at the park. That only happens once in a lifetime. "Ari, do you see what I'm seeing?" I don't but I sure am hoping it's a ring, I keep that thought to myself and proceed with answering. "No, just get over it!" while twitching my nose with madness. Mark keeps on insisting that there is something up on that tree, but I really don't see it. "Bubs, let's just take a break and relax, chill down you know." I really don't know in what point, but we fell asleep in the middle of the movie.

...to be continued

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