Untitled Story 06

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After we went to Carl's Jr we all pilled back into Ryan's car after Freya and I talked about Halloween Costumes. We pulled up to my house waved to everyone and walked into my house unnoticed everyone in their little world I walked into my room and changed into my sweats

" Hey midnight I missed you." I scratched his ears I could feel myself feeling sorry for myself but I got up and pushed it to the back of my head and went to look at myself in my mirror I have this habit of tearing myself down.

" Come on Artemis your better than this you aren't going back to that dark place ever again." I looked at myself I may not look like my sisters I use to think it was a bad thing but recently I started to see that its not a bad thing its a great thing. I may not be a size 0 like my look a likes I'm starting to embrace my body and my not so bright red hair I'm slowly coming into my own. I didn't let the tears fall. I got ready for bed and did my night routine for my face and midnight and I went to sleep.

* * *

Friday morning I woke up to my alarm and started to get ready remembering that I had plans with Rachel today. I got dress in black tights and a gray lace skirt and a white tank top and I through on a black vest. I quickly did my make up so that I could stop by starbucks on my way to school I put on my combat boots let midnight out while I got my school bag when I came back he was already at the door I fed him and left him in my room and took off to school. I arrived before anyone I sat alone at the bench.

"Hey you must be one of the triplets right ?" I looked up and saw this guy about six ft brown hair and honey colored eyes he was kinda cute.

" Yeah I'm Artemis do I know you?"

" Oh! no sorry I'm Cassius but you can call my Cass I just thought I'd introduce myself so have you made any friends yet?" He made himself comfortable next to me.

" Actually I have his name is Silas and his group of friends."

" How come your not with them now?" I moved away as he got closer to me

" I just got here before they did It was nice to meet you Cass but I'm going to head to class now." I got up and waved goodbye and started towards my class. I finally reached my seat and looked through a book since I got there early.

" Hey we went to the square but we didn't see, I see you got starbucks and you didn't bring me any." Silas sulked through out the lecture trying to make me feel bad. I got a text from Freya asking me where I was as we made our way to the square before out next class.

" You didn't make plans did? Remember we're going shopping after school." Freya skipped her way towards me I turned when I heard my name.

" I see you do have friends." Cass walked towards me " I heard you guys are going to the halloween party, have you bought your costumes yet?" He looked at the guys.

" They do but Artemis is going with me to find ours after school." Freya smiled at him I saw Silas start to make his way towards

" Since your going to the party want to be my date?"

" Sorry-" I started " She's already going with me, Hey Cassius is it?" Silas stood infront of me glaring at Cass I Smiled at him" Yeah, dude ok Artemis see you around."

" Ok, Thanks for saving me from that creep." I smiled and hugged him.


Hey Guys, Girls who ever is still out there thanks for sticking with me for so long and much awaited updates but I will get back into it and i will update more thanks and dont forget to



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2018 ⏰

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