Untitled Story 01

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Hey Guys My new story Hope you guys like it I will be contuine to update" A lie Untwined" But at the momeent I have writers block. I will try my best :D

Anyways Tell me what you think of this story?

Don't Forget to.........






I still can't get used to the idea that I'm here in Santa Maria, California. I can't believe that mom sent us here. My life was perfect in Paris with all the cute French boys, even though I never had a boyfriend. Luck was never on my side with guys. We're gonna have to start a new life here, answering the same damn question.

"Oh my god! Are you guys triplets?"

Even though I don't have the flaming red hair or the bright blue eyes, I still have my look. It's unique like me- I have red hair, much lighter than my sisters', and jade green eyes. When Athena, Aspen and I, Artemis, (Yeah, my mom had a thing for "A's") got here, Grams had already given us our own rooms. Of course, Athena got the biggest room, Aspen got the second biggest and I was supposed to get the third one. Then, I found out that the room that I was taking was Gram's room and she was going to take the attic. I ended up convincing her to take her own room back, leaving me with the attic.

It's pretty cool up here, and unlike the other rooms, I have a beautiful view of the moon. Plus, I have my own shower and if Athena and Aspen, as I like to call "My look-a-likes", want to bug me, they will have to come up to the third floor. Athena and I have our differences so I won't be seeing her up here.

I unpack my things, along with my alarm clock, and set it for my first day at my new high school. I can't believe that mom sent us here for some stupid argument she and dad had.

I started to unpack some wondering where the closest bookstore was in this town. After about an hour of taking my stuff and scattering them through out my room. I went to shower to get the dirt and sweat of the eventful day off. We don't know what the weather is going to be like here good thing mom made us pack all of our clothes. Not like it mattered I would wear my clothes regardless of the weather. I layed out my outfit for tomorrow. New acid grape coloured skinny jeans, my black Ozzy Osbourne t- shirt and my black-on-black high top converse flats. I'm self-conscious about my height, especially around short, cute guys since 5'10 is pretty tall. Athena Miss Popular wears high heels because most of her ex-boyfriends have been over six feet tall, which she makes Aspen do aswell, as she listens to Athena, all the time. She's Athena's shadow, as much as Athena hates me still wishes I would follow her around like Aspen. I don't care if I'm a loner or I make friends but no way in hell am I going to be a carbon copy of Athena.

* * *

I wake up to the morning glow of the sun's rays shining through my window. I quickly straighten my hair, put on my black mascara, eye liner and lip gloss and get dressed. I walk downstairs expecting to see Athena and Aspen fighting like back home, Athena getting mad a Aspen for using her stuff. Instead I just see Grams, eating breakfast.

"Can you wake your sisters up? School starts at eight."

I race up the stairs to wake them up, dodging their kicks and punches. I leave for school satisfied that I managed to wake them up. When I get to school, I find the front office, get my schedule and go to find my first class. In math with Mr. Brown, he has me sit next to a guy who is flirting with a petite blonde girl with brown eyes. The bell rang and everyone got in their seats and they turned to face the front. The guy next to me looked surprised to see me sitting next to him, and he stared at me with piercing gray eyes.

"We have a new student. She has joined us all the way from Paris. Please stand up, Artemis Sinclaire." Mr. Brown smiles. Everyone turns to look at me as I take my seat, except the guy sitting next to me, as he was already staring at me like creep. Mr. Brown starts to write instructions on the board and everyone goes back to talking amongst each other while I just sit there.

"Hi Artemis, I'm Silas Williams"

He is interrupted by Mr. Brown. "Mr. Williams, please take off your hood while in my class."

A black streak of hair falls over his eyes which he shakes off and uncovers his eye brow piercing. He sits there waiting for me to come out of shock.

"Nice to meet you," I say shyly.

"So what are you going to do after class?" Silas looks at me.

"Well I just moved here so I don't know anyone, so I'm not sure."

He's about to say something when he is rudely interrupted by the blonde girl. "Hey Silas! Can I hang out with you today after class?" Blondie glares at me.

"Well I was about to ask Artemis if she wanted to, and I thought you didn't like my friends?" Silas waits while Blondie turns her back ignoring the question.

"So Artemis, what do you say?"


Throughout the rest of the class, I keep glancing at Silas and when our eyes meet, he smiles. The bell finally rings and Silas grabs my hand and pulls me out of class and towards his friends.

"Hey guys," Silas begins. "This is Artemis, a new student from.... where are you from again?" He asks me.

As he introduces me, I see how cool and unique his friends are.

Fynn was making his way towards us, he was just as tall as Silas. Fynn wore a muscle shirt, had blonde hair and blue green eyes and a dragon tattoo that starts at his neck and wraps around his biscep. Ryan on the other hand wasn't as tall as Fynn he was about 6ft, black hair and gray green eyes he mostly wears black hoodies and a peace sign banda. Freya was another story she wore black tights under a pink skirt that had chains attached to it and she top it all of with a Slayer t shirt she always wore dark make up and only her voilet eyes stood out which were contacts and her long black hair had white blonde peek a boos scattered through out her hair.

"Pa-Paris," I stutter.

"Right... um, these are my friends Ryan, Fynn and Freya."

They all wave and smile. We all get to talking and they ask me questions like where in France I'm from, when my phone rings. I check the caller I.D which shows 'Lookalikes'. I ignore their call and they keep calling.

"Who's calling you?" Fynn asks

"Just my annoying sisters, is all." I try to show that they don't bug me.

"Wait, you have sisters?" Ryan asks.

"Yeah, we're all in the 10th grade, and they are my twins, which means I'm a triplet." I smile.

They all go into shock and that's when I hear them.

"Artemis, where have you been? We've been calling you!" Athena demands and I begin to tell my lookalikes that I have made new friends, so I'll be hanging out with them from then on. My lookalikes turn on their heel with a scowl on their face.

"If you're a triplet, why do they have blue eyes and you don't?" Silas asked too.

"They got their eye and hair colour from our dad and I got mine from our mom." I smile.

"So you're going to hang out with us then?" Freya asks.

"If it's alright with you guys?"

"Yes!" they all say at the same time.


Please tell me what you think leave me comments and I will be oh so greatful

I will pick my favorite comment and dedicate the next chapter to you which will be up tomorrow. :D


Christian <3

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