Foxy! What The...

11 1 1

Freddy: Lets get some pizza.

Foxy: *Runs over to Freddy*

Bonnie and Chica: (0_0)

Foxy: Did you just say...PIZZA?

Freddy: OH NO!

Foxy: Oh yesssss!

Freddy: Foxy, is your heart broken?

Foxy: My heart was always broken! HI-YAAAAA!

Freddy: Foxy! What The...

Foxy: *Gobbling all the pizza*

Foxy: Burp! Sorry, I was very hungry.

Freddy: WHAT THE-

The End

Freddy: Don't "The End" me!

The End!!!!

Freddy: *Sigh* You are hopeless 2BTWXYUZ123.

2BTWXYUZ123: You know my name?

Freddy: Now step back. I have some punching to do.

Freddy: *Punch!* *Kick!*


Freddy: Now you can say the end.

2BTWXYUZ123: Ok.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2017 ⏰

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