Chapter 3: Life goes on...wait, never mind.

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I apologize for not uploading in such a long time, however, I’ve taken the time to reflect on where I actually want to go with these stories and I hope I still have your support and understanding. Thanks for sticking out with me  xx


Chapter 3: Life goes on...wait, never mind

A few weeks had officially passed. As much as Antheia didn’t want to admit it, the events of a few days ago had really stuck with her. 

It was a struggle, but she eventually managed to push it back far within the recesses of her mind. It was simply her imagination, making something out of nothing. 

I always did have a flare for the dramatics. 

I merely conjured up a more frightening image for what the wolves seemed like in my frightened state of mind. That’s what they were; simple wolves. There had been a boy, but he had in no way held a spear or burned the creatures…wolves…to a crisp. He was merely a local, perhaps homeschooled, or even new in town. 

He simply had a knack for hunting, and experienced as well, if he could take down that many wolves, I mused. 

Her gut clenched instinctively, remembering how clearly it had all transpired in front of her, but she forced herself to push those feelings aside. 

Maybe my brain was slowly developing side effects from constantly bickering with people. Maybe it finally decided to go crazy. She thought to herself. 

Yeah, that’s it- as disturbing as the thought was.

Having falsely reassured herself, she moved away from the window, which overlooked the woods at a slight distance, and finally decided to get ready for school, once again. 

With a sigh, she shrugged on a maroon blouse, made of a silky fabric. Adding on black jegging’s and brown boots; she shoved on my black coat and hauled up her school bag. There were a lot of things she didn’t find joy in, but dressing up was definitely not one of them. 

She trudged down the steps, feeling a sense of dread enclose her once again. 

Once again, she pushed it away and greeted her parents. Her heart twisted, as she glanced at their smiling faces. She didn’t feel well. 

She forced herself to smile, and was slightly relieved when they fell for it. 

She sort of wished they had asked her what was wrong, just so they could tell her how silly she was being.

Despite that, she sat down and forced pancakes down her throat. 

“The town has been issued a wolf warning.” Her father commented, a frown marring his face and distress obvious from the rows of sudden wrinkles appearing on his forehead.

It took a moment for his words to register, and she once again felt fear clutch her heart.

“Oh dear, well, I bet it’s nothing the sheriff and his men can’t handle. Still, Antheia, I need you to make sure you use the car no matter where you go from now on, and keep an eye on Bradley when you can. It’s better to be safe, than sorry.” Her mother instructed.

Numb, and fearing what would happen if she opened her mouth, Antheia simply nodded.

However, through her nebulous state of mind, Antheia felt the dreadful resolution implant itself; the sheriff won’t be able to handle this problem.

Immediately, she reprehended herself, and forced her mind away from such thoughts. Everything would be fine, as long as she believed it so.

She waited silently as Bradley, her younger brother who would be turning 16 soon, entered and engulfed the pancakes in front of him. Blissfully unaware to what they had been discussing. Or, what her parents had been discussing. Antheia didn’t exactly contribute to the conversation.

She waited for Bradley to finish, before she kissed both her parents on the cheeks, bidding them a good day, and hurrying off to her car.

The ride there was silent, Antheia unaware and lost in her thoughts. 

What really happened that day?

From the corner of her eye, she saw something approach the car, and Bradley yelled as she swerved rapidly. 

The car spun around with a long screech, before finally stopping. Thankfully, they were just mere feet away from the nearest tree, and she let go of a breath she hadn’t realized she had been keeping in.

She hurriedly turned her gaze to Bradley, her eyes racking over him desperately, to make sure he was okay.

He gave her an annoyed expression, “What the heck is wrong with you? I swear you can never be less of a freak, can you?” he shot off at her.

She felt guilty, but also ashamed. 

Her harebrained thoughts had almost led them to potential disaster.

“I’m sorry Bradley, I wasn’t thinking” she replied, before she could think better of it.

He snorted, “Obviously not.” 

It was really no secret that Bradley and her hadn’t had the best sibling relationship. Really, it was quite the opposite. Bradley hated having to associate with his sister, his reputation being something he held first and foremost, and he didn’t want her to ruin his chances of leading a happy high school life.

She revved up the engine, and they were on their way again. This time, she made sure her thoughts didn’t stray.

She was unaware, however, of the coal black eyes watching her as she left. 


By third period, she felt the day had taken a turn for the better. 

No one was paying attention to her, as they all were excitedly chattering about two new students. 

Now, anywhere else, this might not seem like a big deal. However, in their small town located here in Jasper, new students were a rarity. 

The excitement she could understand, however, she didn’t share in it. 

It’s not like she was going to be able to make friends with them anytime soon.

“He’s gorgeous! I’m telling you! I will have him!” Brittney giggled along with her friends.

Antheia rolled her eyes; she had been hearing this all day and frankly, it was quite tiring.

“…Like a Greek God or something!” she heard someone exaggerate.

At the words, she felt her gut begin to churn. It was trying to tell her something, but she didn’t know what.

Suddenly, she was hit with a thought. 

That day, that guy in the forest…the one who had saved her.

It couldn’t be him right?

Antheia felt her heart clench, and began praying, to whoever was listening, to not have her go through that again.

She just wanted to forget it ever happened, and if the new guy happened to be that guy in the forest, she had a feeling forgetting would no longer be an option.

The door to the class opened, as the whispers began to grow more loudly, it got to the point where no one was trying to hide it anymore.

Only Antheia sat quiet, her nerves twisting and jumping around in her stomach.

‘Please please please’ She repeated in her head.

Another second later, and Antheia felt her heart slow down and the blood rush to her head, as a guy stepped through.

The same guy from the forest. 

Well, things couldn’t get any worse from here right?


Sorry for the shortness, I just wanted to get something out there. There might be mistakes, because I changed the POV from 1st person to 3rd person, realizing I liked the latter better. 

I hope you guys enjoy it! 

Antheia {The Legend of the Titans}Where stories live. Discover now