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If I were to be given an unlimited number of wishes at this point in my life, I'd know what I wanted in an instant. I want to stop letting the darkness in my mind rule me with fear. I want my paranoia to go away.  I want the nightmares to stop. I want the people I love to get better, to make the disarray stop amongst them. I wish I was skinnier, prettier and didn't have such a vain mindset. There's so much I could wish for, but why would I be given anything if I can't even be satisfied with what I've been given? Life isn't so generous. In the end, these are all just wishes, and wishing won't get you anywhere. It can be fun to keep on dreaming, but eventually we have to face reality and work to achieve the things we want. What I really wish for, is that I could stop being such a selfish person who wastes their time wishing without putting any effort into what I wished for. We all need to quit wishing, and start doing.

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