Drink, anyone?

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"Do you see the glass half full, or half empty?" Rather than asking that, shouldn't we be checking the contents of the glass? Let's say you were to be at a restaurant and were given the choice between two glasses filled with a drink. The first glass is so clean and polished, you can see your reflection, while the second one looks slightly dirty, and has a few cracks and chips in it. Just by taking a glance at both of them, you'd probably pick the first glass, wouldn't you? So you leave the second glass behind and take a sip of the drink inside the first glass. As you drink, you realize that the drink inside is absolutely disgusting. It tastes like piss. On top of that, the drink is also slowly poisoning you. At this point, you would realize that you've made the wrong choice, so you ask the waiter to have the second drink back. He refuses, telling you that you've left it behind, and it's too late to go back for it. Unfortunately for you, that broken glass actually had your favourite drink in it. In the end, it's all about the content. Our society tends to base how they feel about a person, solely on how attractive someone is. These glasses were two people who could've potentially been your friend. But because one person was more attractive than the other, you decided to become friends with them. That person ended up being a very shallow person that tried to pressure you into things you didn't want to do, and brung out the worst in you. The other person was friendly, kind and shared common interests with you. Looks can be deceiving, and you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. If only you had picked the second one, you wouldn't have lost your morals. I am addressing today's society as a whole, and our world needs to stop being so superficial.

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