Chapter 2 ~

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"You need to live a little," Jules laughed as we walked out the door and started across the school grounds towards the buses. She had been nagging me all day about how 'totally and utterly booooring' I was.  I can be cool, and outgoing and popular and have a social life. I'll show her. Then I spotted him. Walking to his car from PE by the look of his gloves. Xavier. Perfect. The idea hit me and I walked over to Xavier as flirtatiously as I could much to the surprise of Julianna. I stood right in front of him, blocking the way and blurted out the speech I had just rehearsed in my head." I heard you're a player, so let's play a game," I said."Let's sweet talk,Let's play fight,Let's talk 24/7,Let's give each other nicknames,Let's go on dates,Let's hang out with each others friends,Let's text Good-morning and Good-night everyday,""And whoever falls in love first? Loses." And with an amused grin on his face he says " Okay Princess, let's see what your made of." As he walked away his words register in my head, oh no. What have I just gotten myself into? Stunned I walk back over to Jules and pick her mouth up off the floor before dragging her to the bus.    

Later that night (after finishing a History assignment of course) I was texting Jules and COMPLETELY FREAKING OUT: 

Somehow he got my number! He just texted me: quite a show princess.

what have you done

Your not helping!

Soz. Maybe you should be happy. I mean you got the number of the hottest guy in school.


yeah. anyway. Just go along with it for a while

.... And do what?

Exactly what you said you would

Okay...maybe. Anyway I'm going to bed

Night xx

Night early bird😂😂

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