Chapter 1

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I am Alexis Ash. I am the Alpha of the Primal Dusk Pack, the second biggest pack in America. However this will change, I will stop at nothing to be the strongest and biggest pack the world has ever seen.


Chapter 1.

Raphael P.O.V

The cold wooden floor collides with my shoulder, making me wince in agony.

"Better! But I keep telling you, it's not good enough. Again!" Standing guard, Alexis shouts at me.

I bow my head low in respect seeing her eyes darken, showing her wolf's presence. With my wolf in control I lunge forward with power, growling at the thought of spilling blood. As my body approaches her she uses her Alpha speed against me, making me miss her. I feel my body come in contact with the ground once again, I turn onto my back and look up at Alexis who now stands over me.

"That was pathetic. You will not beat a pack of Alpha's. You are weak. Clean up now! We are done for today."

With that Alexis stalks out of the training room.

Standing up I watch her as she walks away, her hips swinging as she goes.

Hurry up, and stop wasting time. Using our mind link.

As you wish my sister.

I quickly turn away and head for the showers.

Alexis P.O.V

Heading out of the training room I head for father's chambers. Approaching it I give a soft knock, then enter. His old crinkled body lays peacefully on the bed.

His croaky voice calls to me as I walk closer to him. Grabbing his hand I land a soft kiss on his forehead with a 'hello father'.

"How are you my sweet girl?" he says with difficulty.

"I have been good. I just came from training your bastard son, who by the way is too weak to fight along side me, we will never defeat the Alpha pack with weakness..." my frustraction and anger subsides as I see the hurt on his face.

"I am sorry father, I fear for my pack. Our pa..." father cuts me off.

"You have not felt fear since..."he apruptly stops seeing the panic and sadness in my eyes reflecting his own. "You have grown up beautiful and strong, I am proud but, there is only one thing that will stop you from feeling all the strain of having to care for the pack....Your mate."

I glare at him, how dare he speak that word, that thing brings nothing but heartache and misery.

"You can't be serious. I told you I didn't want to hear that word spoken on my territory. You were the one who told me when I was younger that love would be the death of me. I will not love as long as we are the second strongest and biggest pack in America. I want to be number one! I will become number one, with or without your guidance."

For a moment we just stare at each other, father breaks the silence first.

"I knew you would always grow up strong but you will weaken without your mate by your side. If you need power to defeat this Alpha pack, find another strong Alpha who can fight by your side as a temporary mate, then go out and find your true mate."

"I do not need my true mate by my side. I have lived a happy and satisfied life." I say with frustration.

"Yes exactly. You have lived a satisfied life, but not a fantastic life where you are loved by your mate."

Luna, King Alpha Luke and his Beta Tank are here. My Beta Daxton tells me through our link.

"Father I must leave now, we will talk later about this."

Walking out I mind link Daxton back.

What do they want?

They will not tell me. They just tell me they want to talk with you.

Walking down the stairs I notice that my heartbeat is racing but I can't figure out why. I know I'm not scared. Nothing has scared me or upset me since my mother died.

I head for the living room, to find myself faced with the most attractive man I have ever seen. His perfect skin tanned, with black messy hair and bright green eyes. His eyes change to black, quickly sensing his wolf's presense I bow my head down for a mintue before turning to Daxton.

Fetch us some of the our best wine from the cellar and get the cooks to make some of the best food for supper.

I turn back to the Alpha king and just stare for a moment before realising I must look like an idiot mouth hanging open, drooling.

Clearing my throat I speak in as casual tone as I can muster, "What brings this pleasent sursprise Alpha King"

The Alpha just studys me and I feel a shiver snake down my spine. His presence is effecting me greatly.

"We came here to talk about the rouge army that's being formed deep in the bayou." God, even his voice is sexy.

I freeze. I hate the word rouge. They are a disgrace to our kind and I would happily kill them myself if I could.

"So when do we fight" realising I spoke aloud. Alpha Luke looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Leave us" Alpha Luke telling his Beta without taking his eyes off mine.

You too. I say speaking to Daxton, and with that we are alone in the living room. Walking over to a drinks cabient I pulled out a newly opened bottle of the best and most expensive whiskey. I looked over at Alpha Luke who gave a slight nod with a smirk on his face. Wow, that smile. Is that...omg he has dimples!

I stepped closer to the Alpha King and streched my arm out handing him his drink.His finger tips brush my hand, igniting huge fireworks in my stomach. I noticed too that my racing heart had gone back to normal.

I pulled away with a jerk, my drink smashing to the ground.

"GET OUT!!" I screamed terrified of what was to come. This could not be happening. He can't be.

"How dare you command me! I am the Alpha of all Alpha's!" His wolf present and booming with rage, however it did not scare me as it should have.

I feel my own blood boiling. "I do not care who you are, if you were a god I still would not care. Now GET OUT!" I start to fear what he would do to me but my wolf wants him and I will not allow that to happen to me as it did to my sister. Love was the death of her. I sensed my wolf coming out to talk responding to the bond, telling me that. Love will not be the death of you. Weakness will. 

Sorry this is a short chapter. Please vote and comment your thoughts about this. Thank-you.

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