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He hated myself for doing it to her. The danger she will always be in, all because he imprinted on her. A human, his best friend. Lizzie.

Lizzie had been Calum's best friend for nearly 5 years he loved her so much but he never wanted to imprint on her. He had 1st transitioned into werewolf 2 years ago, he knew he would imprint soon after and he was terrified he would imprint on her, so he moved away. It worked for nearly a month but she found him, she loved him just as much as he loved her, she was always going to find him. He'd moved to stay with a distant Aunt about 7 towns over, he swore she must have been a spy in a former life how could she have found him? No one would have told her where he was, she must have just been searching town after town soon as her shifts ended.

She found him wiping down tables in a disgusting bar, she never would have gone anywhere near a place like that, bars like that made her feel so uncomfortable but once she saw him through the window she burst into the bar like a cop on a drug raid! Much to Calum's surprise he didn't imprint on her as he caught her eyes as she ran into the bar. He never should have run away from her, he scared her so much when he ran off in the middle of the night and for what? Nothing he was always going to imprint on someone else he scared her for nothing. He loved her so much but she would never be his love, but he could settle for her being his best friend and she would be safe.

Everything carried on just like before she made him move back home and everything was perfect. Up until 4 months ago him and the rest of his pack are still trying to work out why and how it took so long but 4 months ago Calum imprinted on Lizzie!

Calum had never been so scared in all all his life. Why did it take so long? Shouldn't it have happened when she burst into the bar that night? No it had happened when Lizzie came back from her summer holiday. She's been gone for nearly two months, she'd been on a volunteer project in India a tiger rehab project to be more exact. Saving tigers from the pet trade and trying to release them back into the wild. He'd gone to pick her up from the airport he'd missed her like crazy, she skype'd him whenever she had decent wifi, but he had missed her. She spotted him as she walked through arrivals, she was about a metre away from her when their eyes met. Soon as he looked her in the eye it happened. He felt the imprint, it hit him like a train.

He felt his legs buckle under him, his vision went hazy and along with his hearing and then he felt his heart stop. Only when she caught him from falling to the floor, when he felt her her touch his arm his heart started beating but to the rhythm of her's. When she spoke to him his hearing came back and when she looked him in the eyes his vision cleared and he felt his legs become his own again. Time after time he tried to keep her away but he just couldn't, it was like someone was stabbing him in the heart. He could never leave her now, it would kill him if he did, but his wolf could hurt her, it could kill her, he could kill her.

Ok so he wasn't as aggresive as most werewolves when he transformed, this is because he was never bitten. He was born to become a werewolf, he always was. Each male in his family becomes a werewolf naturally, any time after the age of 16. Calum took the longest to transform. The last time someone in his bloodline took this long to transistion it was during World War II, his pack thought maybe he took so long to imprint on Lizzie because it took so long for him to turn. The head of his pack Ash turned during the first full moon after his 16th birthday (which turned out to be the day after his 16th) even the youngest in the pack Luke turned before his 17th birthday and Michael the second eldest turned a week after his 16th. Maybe they were right he was the last to turn so he would take longer to imprint, but he was always with Lizzie why did it take so long.

He was so scared to tell her who he really was let alone that he'd imprinted, but Lizzie has always been so very aware of everything and everyone around her. She always felt there was something different about Calum, his family and his friends (his pack). When Calum told her he was with his pack, they told her everything. She'd even joked saying it was lucky she's always been 'more of a dog person'.

She had begun to think Calum was a serial killer or maybe he was dying the way his family and friends closed ranks not telling her where he was or if he was ok. She loved Calum, loved him with every part of her him being a werewolf didn't make the slightest bit of difference. She had always loved him, she just thought he didn't want her as anything more than a friend. She didn't want to loose him from her life so she settled with being just his friend. Only when he told her he had imprinted to her she truly understood how much her loved her. Trying to keep away from her, to keep her safe but it was always meant to happen. It was meant to be.

Lizzie had been the 1st pure human to be imprinted on since the 1960's and it hadn't ended well. No wonder Calum was scared. The pack of 1962 had been disgusted with the thought of having a human in their pack, in the end the pack had bullied the young wolf to reject his imprint. When he refused the rest of the pack killed her, the boy and the wolf died as they killed her (something the inexperienced pack didn't know would happen) the elders wiped out the whole pack for this horror. Of course that would never happen, Calum's pack were so sweet and kind they would never be like the 1962's. She gelled so well with them, she would fit in so well when Calum turns her, but there was problem.

He didn't want to turn her, he didn't want her to be changed. Knowing the pain she would go through every full moon. Knowing it would be a hundred times worse for her because she would be a bitten wolf, it's not part of her DNA like Calum. Ashton is a bitten wolf he'd seen the extra pain he goes through during full moon. He hated the though of being the one responsible to put her through the same pain. She can't stay human, she just can't it's too dangerous. What if Calum lost control of his wolf, Lizzie wouldn't survive if it attacked her and she wouldn't be able to carry any children, the wolf DNA in any boys she has would kill her because she would still be human, her body wouldn't be able to handle it. Calum just couldn't think of it, he refused to. Lizzie had excepted the imprint, she loved him and will continue to love him for the rest of her life and right now that's all he cared about.

That wasn't enough though his wolf was getting too strong, he was denying it too much. He couldn't keep her away during the full moon anymore, his wolf needed her just as much as Calum did.

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