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The more he kept her away from the wolf the stronger it's primal urges got. They were even coming out of Calum outside of the full moon. The need to bite, to turn her, to mate her. He tried to keep the urges under control with the Wolfsbane he took but even that didn't seem to help anymore. Every full moon he would lock himself in the basement in an effort to keep his wolf away from Lizzie. The arguments he had with his pack, they knew it would get more and more dangerous for Lizzie the longer Calum waited, he hated having to hurt her but only he could turn her. He had to hurt her and he hated even the thought of it.

This time Calum let Lizzie had sit outside the basement door, just as a test. What he didn't know was Lizzie had been sitting outside the basement door every full moon. From the first day he told her what he really was, she had been sitting outside the basement door every full moon. Only difference tonight she'd be able to talk to him throught the door, instead of sitting in silence listening to his pained howls and whimpers. She hated animals being in pain, Calum always wondered how she still managed to work at the rescue centre. All the abused and abandoned dogs and cats coming through the doors day after day. How did she cope.

His little test had worked, his wolf hadn't torn through the door at the sound of her voice or her scent. The Wolfsbane Calum took kept the wolf under slight control, he was able to remind the wolf that his mate was still human and she wasn't ready to be changed to be bitten. That lie, it was wearing thin of course the wolf knew it was Calum who didn't want her to be changed. Of course the wolf knew, the wolf and Calum are one and the same.

After that Lizzie pushed him to let her inside the basement with him on the next full moon. She was beyond ready to be changed, she even knew where she wanted to be bitten. She could cover it up easily while she was at work. She didn't want to draw the wrong kind of attention to her soon to be pack, her soon to be family. Another reason for the rest of the pack to love her, they had excepted her 10 times over.

Calum took extra Wolfsbane that night. Terrified the wolf would get out of control at the near sight of her and attack her, try to eat her. Lizzie went mad with him of course she would. Wolfsbane is not to be taken lightly it suppresses the wolf, that's all. It's dangerous for the human to take too much, some humans have put themselves into coma's because they overdosed. After she finished shouting at him she started googling 'How do you perform CPR on a dog' they had taught her in the rescue centre but she was a bit rusty. More jokes for the pack to laugh at when they find out later, they love her jokes! They lap them up like puppies drinking from a bowl.

Thanks to the extra Wolfsbane Calum took when he transformed into his wolf it became nothing more than an overgrown puppy. This was the first time she'd seen his wolf but it looked so familiar, she'd only ever heard him. Calum's eyes. It had his eyes. It's fur was black just like Calum's hair but with tuffs of dirty blonde streaking through it. Calum's blonde streak had grown out ages ago but for some reason it stayed in the wolfs fur. After it got over the pain of the transformation it realised that it wasn't imagining Lizzie was stroking his fur during it's change she really was there! Then Calum's wolf truly was an overgrown puppy, not the fierce wolf Calum had been scared to let Lizzie anywhere near it. The only damage that threatened her was being hit by the wolf's tail, it couldn't control it in it's excitement. It finally has a wolf play date with it's human!

Lizzie managed to calm it down enough for the wolf to regain control of his tail and slowly the wolf calmed down. She always had a calming effect when it came to animals, soon the wolf had settled it's head in her lap as she scratched behind it's ear. It fell asleep listening to her talking about her day. Cute little whines burst from the wolf as she called it her "big puppy" and "I'm not afraid of my big bad wolf". When the morning came the wolf was gone and Calum woke up with his head still cradled in her lap and Lizzie was very much alive.

Each full moon after that night Calum slowly lowered the dose of Wolfsbane he gave himself he was surprised how much self control his wolf had but that could be thanks to Lizzie's calming nature. He shouldn't have been that surprised he'd seen her calm a near psychotic horse at the rescue centre last year. They nearly put the horse down it was so far gone but Lizzie put a stop to that when she grabbed it's reins and calmed the horse. He half expected Lizzie to adopt it, expecting to come home from work to find the horse sitting in the garden as a extra member of the family!

This full moon was different, Lizzie had convinced him almost begged him to only take the recommended dose of Wolfsbane. Calum finally agreed but only after he made her put a muzzle on him before he transformed and if the wolf got out of control to use a taser on it. She promised she would, he kept making her buckle the full muzzle tighter round his head. The moon started to creep through the clouds and Lizzie watched him transform.

Soon as the transition was over she was at the wolf's side taking the muzzle off much to the wolf's surprise and happiness. Lizzie was rewarded with excited little yips and barks along with big licks to her face, arms and hands from it's fuzzy tongue. That night there was no sleeping, just play. Calum had been so scared of 'playtime' with the wolf, Calum is strong in his human form let alone as the wolf, but he shouldn't have worried Lizzie can take a lot more than people expect. No tasers were needed that night she knew the wolf wouldn't attack her, it wouldn't hurt her. More cute little whines burst from it's muzzle as she wrestled with it, it pinned her to the floor and won every time but every time the wolf would move back to let her get up and try again. Lizzie was stronger than Calum gave her credit for, they played like this all night but the sun was due to rise and the wolf was getting tired. It rolled away from Lizzie and curled up into a ball by the door. She followed it and spooned behind it's back. She stroked it's fur as it slowly began to change back into Calum, the last words the wolf heard from her was "See you soon my puppy, I love you Cali wolf" One last cute little whine was the last response as Calum came back to her. She covered his naked sleeping body in blankets before pulling him closer to her and falling asleep herself.

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