Chapter 17

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Jasmine's POV

I stared at them for the longest time. They're okay.

"Hello, sweetheart," my mom said slowly. She looked close to tears and that made me walk quickly and throw my arms around her. I felt dad wrap his arms around both of us and I grinned and let a few tears slip. I wiped at my eyes and pulled away and looked at both of them and they just smiled.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked them, I don't recall telling them where I was going or even the name of the pack.

"Blake here showed up at our doorstep early in the morning to talk to us. He invited us to his pack to see you and we know its long overdue and were so sorry. We should have never doubted you or accuse you of doing something you didnt do. We should have told you a long time ago, but we were just scared something would happen to you. You are an Alphas daughter after all and rogues hate Alphas and so we just wanted you safe," Dad said, and I smiled at him.

"Wait, if you guys are Alpha and Luna, then that means you passed the wolf gene to me, why havent I shifted yet?" All of this was starting to make my head pound. I should have shifted two years ago, and I still didn't.

"In our family, the females shift when they meet their mates. But I dont know why you havent shifted yet now that you and Blake found each other," Dad said frowning with worry.

"I believe I know why she hasn't shifted yet but give me some time to confirm it so I wouldnt tell you false information," Blake said, and my parents smiled at him. I turned to look at him and heard my parents say something about leaving us alone before exiting the room.

Blake held my hand and sat us both on the couch. I leaned into his side and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Thank you," I tell him smiling softly and he bent to kiss my forehead lightly. I was still a bit wary around him just incase he snaps again but all my hesitations are fading.

"Jazzy, I know you feel hesitant around me, I can feel it. Im so sorry, love, I didnt mean to growl at you last night. Everything happened so fast and I lost my mind for a second there. I promise you it will never happen again. I love you," he says. "You better not," I say chuckling and he grins at me.

"Okay, come on, breakfast time for you," he says and pulls me up with him. We exit the office and I see my parents walking towards us.

"Jazzy, weve got to go. My beta just called me, and he needs me for something. We'll ll come visit again sometime soon," Dad said, and I smiled at him and hugged both of them tightly. "Bye, you two, drive safely" I tell them, and they nod at Blake before leaving.


Blake and I had breakfast and we were now just watching some show that was on while talking. Emma suddenly barged in and stood in front of us and since we were sitting on the couch, we had to look up to her. "Yes?" Blake asked and she just grabbed my arm and pulled me off the couch and upstairs. "We're going swimming, go get dressed!" She called behind her back to Blake, "Emma, I can walk on my own," I say, and she giggles dropping my arm.

I grabbed my clothes and went to get dressed in Emma's room. I put on a beautiful black bikini and pulled on white shorts over it before pulling my hair into a messy ponytail, that looked nice, and slipping my sunglasses over my eyes. Emma exited the bathroom in a hot pink bikini, and I whistled at her and she laughed.

"We look hot," she says while pulling on her black shorts and grabbing her sunglasses and putting them on. We both grin at each other and head downstairs and outside to the pool. The boys were already in the pool just lounging around and they hadn't noticed us yet. Emma and I took off our shorts and turned around to find them all staring at us.

"I certainly cant check out my sister, but damn Jazzy, youre fine," Evan says wolf whistling at me. I laugh shaking my head and untied my hair before grabbing Emma and jumping into the pool. The guys jumped on us trying to drown us but what they dont know is that they're basically trying to drown a fish. I used to swim a lot and I could my breath for a long time.

I managed to swim under all of them and got to the side of the pool waiting for them to finish what they were doing. Once they emerged, they gaped at me. "How the hell did you escape?" Evan asked in disbelief, making me laugh heartedly. "You just happened to come across an ex-champion in swimming," I say, and they grinned. "Why'd you stop?" Blake asked and I shrugged, "I got bored," I say and they laugh.

We spent the rest of the day splashing around in the pool and we didnt notice how long we were in until Liz was calling us for dinner. We exited the pool and dried off before heading inside and sitting around the dinner table. "You guys were out there all day, you must be exhausted," Liz says and they all murmur in agreement. "I'm m just starving," I say making them laugh.

Dinner was great. Liz prepared many kinds of food and all of us filled our stomachs. After dinner, Blake excused us and grabbed my hand leading us outside. "Walk with me?" he asked holding out his arm and I took it smiling. "Your pack is beautiful," I said looking around as we walked. A gust of wind blew making me shiver, I was still in my bikini after all. Blake quickly took off his shirt and put it over me making me smile shyly. I tucked it in my shorts so that it doesnt look like I'm m wearing nothing underneath it and continued walking.

"Thank you, but wont you get cold?" I ask him and my eyes trail down his chest. (Im his mate I can check him out if I want to!) He looks over at me and laughs when he catches me staring. I turn red and quickly divert my gaze somewhere else. He throws an arm around my shoulders and pulls me close to him, "Nope, werewolves have a higher body temperature than normal. Just like normal wolves who have to adapt to survive all climates."

We continue walking for 30 minutes or so before agreeing weve got to go back. When we arrived, he stopped me outside the door, Jaz, will you go on a date with me? he asks and I grin, yes, of course. Id love to! I say and he smiles widely at me. I sigh in content; I can definitely say that this day was one of the best.


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