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Jazzy's POV

Let me explain a bit on how this feels, it's completely extraordinary. However, as much amazing as this is it still doesn't cover the pain that I feel. For some reason, the link between Blake and I hadn't been disconnected, and so I was forced to feel it all. All his emotions, his thoughts were flying everywhere in my mind, and everything that has happened I got a front row seat to it happening. The link couldn't be cut off but just blocked for a long time. I tried asking Ella, the moon goddess, (she insisted that I call her that since we'll be together for a long) but she just smiled and changed the subject.

During my stay here in this place, Ella will be training me with my new powers! Yeah I'm actually excited for this, apparently since I'll be, well dead, I shall acquire my new epic powers now. Since I was completely not prepared for them though, when I did receive them I screamed bloody murder. I swear to you it was not a pretty sight. Ella rushed to find me stranded in mid air, I'm sorry, found half of me in a place and the other half behind her. Expecting her to help me, I was quite shocked when I heard her laughs echoing around me.

So yeah I've had quite the adventure so far. The only thing that made this whole experience somehow not as exciting as it should be was the big hole in my chest. Ella sometimes found me at night sobbing my heart out instead of sleeping and she says it kills her that this had to happen but it really was out of her hands. I believed her I really did but my heart yearned for Blake. It yearned for his love, his touch, his voice, him. I'm slowly coming to terms with what happened, despite that I was still grieving. Ella did tell me that it would always hurt until we meet again but she did say that when it gets too much she can help me. That time hasn't come and I hope it doesn't but one can only hope. Okay so you're probably wondering how I'm watching over Blake. So I can see him. It's kinda like a huge movie screen but I don't do it all the time, Ella says if I do I'll go crazy and it will be harder for me to focus on training. She sometimes just pops a scene randomly when she believes he needs me. How will I help? I only talk and the moon goddess projects my voice into his head and he instantly calms down or isn't as stressed as he was.

Some may see it as a bad thing that he can hear me but he knows that I'm well 'dead', but I only appear in times of need like a voice of reason or in his dreams. That is only so he won't spiral, as Ella says, and he can still focus on his duties as Alpha to the pack. The pack didn't take the news to my being dead lightly however Blake did explain to them that he will be getting me back from that witch, well he didn't use that word exactly but yeah you get me. Ella says I'm getting stronger by the day and when the time comes I can succeed. What she means, I'm still figuring that out, but deep inside I know I can do it. And I know I can count on Blake to do the first step.

Blake's POV

It's been almost a month since Jazzy was gone. I will never admit to myself that she's dead because she isn't. She's coming back, and if I say she's dead then that means she won't be coming back and that's not true, because she will come back. I won't say this past month hasn't been hell because it has, and it will stay hell until I have her safe by my side with all our worries way past us. Despite everything, I've held on to her. I trust her and I believe in her and the moon goddess and if they say she's coming back then she is coming back.

Sometimes when it all gets too much and I'm so close to losing I hear her voice in my head. Her sweet soothing voice that always calmed me down and eased all my worries or I see her in my dreams. I see her in all her beauty, I see her with her long brown hair tumbling down her back in waves, I see her gorgeous, crystal blue eyes shining at me with that breathtaking smile on her face. All of that keeps me from falling over the edge and spiraling into a pile of nothingness.

The pack didn't take the news as well as I hoped, maybe even worse, but they are now more determined than ever to get her back. I've been keeping tabs on Clarice however I won't be attacking now. I can't, the pack still isn't strong enough to face her and Daniel's pack put together. That fact didn't stop the pack from giving their best though, they've been working their butts off for the moment where they will face that bitch and end her once and for all.

I think the ones who took the news terribly and actually did spiral were the gang. For the first 2 weeks or so without Jazzy, each of Emma, Ethan, Evan, and Caleb were so depressed that none of them did anything. They refused to eat, move, talk, drink or do anything. I guess they just wanted to talk to her atleast once more, but none of them did. I didn't let it get too far though, I joined them all together in one room and gave them all an intervention. We all cried together as we huddled but we knew that crying wasn't going to bring her back and so we began working on it. Emma has been a damn fire machine in training beating almost all of my top warriors.

I know Emma is planning to fight and though I did not agree with that and I argued with her about it, my point didn't get too far as her threats. And so we haven't spoke of it since. The other three also worked every minute of every day training to get harder and I can safely say that they were officially my top 3 warriors.

I will not stop until Jazzy is back in my arms and that is a promise I make to the moon. I will not stop until I have the moon's gift, my mate, back with me as my Luna and my everything.


Hey guys! I hope this epilogue was up to your expectations and that it was was good as I hoped. I still don't have an exact date for when the sequel will be or what the name will be quite frankly but as soon as I'm sure I will be posting updates here so do not delete this from your Library if you still want to read the sequel.

Thank you all for your amazing support and I love you all so very much!!

PS: if any of you have any ideas for names for the sequel feel free to send me a message, I would be more than grateful.

WerePotterhead xxx

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