Judgements & acceptance

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We shall begin this chapter by questioning ourselves, "Why do we judge others and why do we find it necessary to do so?"

To begin answering that, we have to reflect on our own inner mentality. Do we do so because we find the way others look are different? Or is it because it is in our nature to judge?

My anwer to this contradicting yet deeply understated question would be that it is in our nature. Why do I say this? It is because before we make a decision,we require our judgement in order to weigh our options. As people we worry about taking the wrong step ,as we were brought up to think that one of these 'little' mistakes would cost us the rest of our future.

At the same time,others judge because they're afraid to take a leap of faith and be daring, to be DIFFERENT. Instead,they do the next 'best' thing, follow the crowd and judge others to 'look' the same but... how 'similar' are we? We are logically different. Yes we have our differences but we HAVE our similarities as WELL. In the process, we end up looking like idiots trying to 'fit in'. We think its cool to bully others because of these differences but what we don't know is that we make ourselves look like jerks. Since when was being a jerk so cool in stratature?

We judge others because we're messed up inside as well. We hate the person inside so we deflect it towards others. When it is defelected on others we end up hating them because we hate seeing that reflection of ourselves on others. Reality, either way, fate STILL forces us to face up to our inner chaos.

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