Guitar Love (Niall Horan//One-Shot)

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Guitar Love [ 1D Fanfiction - OneShot  ]

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My name's Amber. I'm just a typical teenager who loves to enjoy life and is addicted to music especially ones by One Direction, Justin Bieber, Joe Brooks, and a lot more.

As I was walking home, I passed by a Guitar window shop and something in display caught my attention: A beautiful, black acoustic guitar with a signature written in silver sharpie. I looked more closely and recognized it as Niall Horan's autograph.

As I was admiring it, someone came up to me and said, "That one's a beauty, eh?"

"Yeah" I nodded. "I don't really play but I've always wanted to learn."

There happened to be a moment of silence until the person softly spoke. "I could teach you."

The suddenly all-too-familiar voice sent a chill down my spine so I looked at him and I was shocked to see Niall Horan standing right next to me with his mouth stretching into a huge grin.

"I.. uh.." I was so dumbfounded that I couldn't even find the right words to say. I was too lost in his beautiful eyes.

Niall laughed and said, "It doesn't have to be a date if you don't want it to be. What do you say?"

I don't know why, but I started to feel relaxed and I suddenly found myself smiling right back at him saying yes.

A month later, after several guitar lessons(which turned into dates), Niall and I began to find even more excuses to see each other until we became inseperable and all of a sudden I realized  that I'm already falling hard for him even though it's early on. I may be a bit assuming but I do have a feeling that he is too. :">

Now, it's the night before he and the boys have to go away on another year-long tour.

He came over to my house with his guitar and told me that he wanted to play a song he had been working on and so did I.

"Who goes first?" he asked me.

And because we didn't know who should play first, I held out my hand and gave an idea. "Rock, Paper, Scissors?"

He laughed at me and said "I have a better idea." as he took my hand and intertwined it with his.

"Why don't we play our songs at the same time?"

"But we only have one guitar." I said in confusion and he then led me outside to the front porch. And there I saw the Black Guitar with Niall's signature waiting for me.

And because I can't contain my excitement, I hugged him. Then, without thinking, I gave him a quick kiss on the lips. And also because of too much shame after realizing what I just did, I turned red. But he then brings me in close and kissed me back much longer with his arms wrapped tight across my waist.

We went back inside and at the count of three, we both began to play our songs simultaneously.

The song somehow mesh perfectly, so we both wrote one song the combines both our songs. After playing, we said our goodbyes and then he left.

It's now six months later. I've met up with Niall and the boys a few times by showing up at some of their concerts, but the long-distance relationship had still been hard.

I was texting Niall while driving back home from a cake shop because I knew how much he wanted sweets and I thought of giving it to him when he comes back. He was talking about how excited he is for their next show in Dublin and told me how much he wished that I could be there.

and I began to text back . .

[ Niall's Point of View ]

I've been waiting for Amber to text back but it didn't came.

Louis walked up to me and patted my back. "Come on, Lovebird, It's time for the show." he said, so I put my phone away and followed Lou out the door along with the other boys.

After the show, I checked my phone but still, she haven't responded. I was so worried that I tried to call her the next day only to get the voicemail.

I then heard Harry quietly say, "Oh my God.." at his laptop. "Niall. You.. You need to see this."

He showed me an article about a girlfriend of a 1D member being in a car crash with a truck. My heart stopped as I read, 'Both drivers were reported DEAD at the scene.'

As I read further, it explains that Amber drifted off the wrong side of the road while texting.

I started to feel dizzy and then everything turned black.

[ Third Person's POV ]

As Niall collapsed, the boys all rushed to him. Liam helped him sit up and said, "What's the matter with you?" Harry then showed everyone the article.

Niall, sitting on the floor, began to rock back and forth, whispering.. "My fault.. My fault.. This is all my fault." as hot tears flood down his cheeks.

Zayn knelt down by him. "Lad, it's not your fault--"

"YES, IT IS!" Niall shouted. "She was texting ME. This is all MY FAULT!" as he breaks into a sob. Harry then begins to cry as well and went down on the floor and embraced Niall. The rest of the boys joined him in the group hug, not uttering a single word.

Now, the boys went back to Amber's hometown for another concert. One that she was supposed to go to.

Niall went to Amber's house, and hugged her parents before heading to her room. He saw the guitar that he gave her sitting on her bed.

He sat down with it and started playing the song they both wrote together. As he gets to the chorus, his eyes fill with tears, and one of the strings suddenly snapped. Because of too much frustration, he cried out and smashed the guitar on the hard floor.

Amber's mother ran inside the room and saw Niall over the pile of wood, crying. She comforted him and asked him to follow her.

She took him to the kitchen and handed him a small object. It was Amber's phone. He looked at Amber's mother in confusion. She urged him to read what's on the screen.

Niall saw that it was the text Amber had been typing. It reads, "I wish I could be there too, Babe. So bad. But I kept thinking about our song. That's what's keeping me strong. I can't wait to hear it when you come back in town. I miss y..."


The boys are now on stage and Harry is giving a speech. But he suddenly stopped at mid-sentence and whispered something to Niall and handed him the mic.

Niall talked about how he fell in love with an amazing fan and how she's now watching over their concert. He got a bit choked up, so all of the boys gave him a big hug and got ready to perform Niall and Amber's song. 

In the middle of the song, Niall looked at the crowed and imagined Amber standing in the front row, cheering with the others. With tears in his eyes and a smile on his face, he whispers to himself..

"I miss you too, Babe. So Much." And you don't know how happy I am that I found you, My Guitar Love. You may not be here beside me, but here in my heart, I know you'll stay. Forever.. 


EPIC FAIL, I knooow :(

Thank You for reading by the way :)

And Hi to my fellow Directioners/CrazyMofos!

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- ShawtyStar. August 2013 -

"  G  u  i  t  a  r    L  o  v  e  "

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