Chapter One

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Chapter One:

I dedicate this to the amazing person who created my cover and they did such a wonderful job-my1Dstory_x

I could hear them chuckling in the background. That's them, you know? The ones that everybody would kill to be around. The most popular, obnoxious, and good-looking guys of Burwood high. What? Did I mention they were also on the football team? Of course the popular ones would be on the football team, such a stereotype.

The boy in the middle holding the football was Joel. He was you typical and average dark brown hair, blue eyes and average height. Joel was amazingly gorgeous, at least that's what I thought- but who cares about what I think. All I know was that he was in almost all of my classes.

The guy standing to his right was his good mate, Gordan. Gordan is a tad bit shorter than everyone else. He has dirty blonde curly hair, and green eyes that sparkle whenever you look in them or for my sake, at them. Crushing on all of the friend group, my bad. It is hard when all of them look like superstars.

To Joel's left was Matt, he was same height as Joel. Matt has red hair and hazel eyes, and right now the corner if his lips are turned upwards into a smile. The boys must have been something amusing. I was close enough away to gaze, but further away to not hear their conversation.

Staring at the group I took a seat against the stony red brick building behind me. Right now, we were on lunch break at school and I usually used this time to make notes and set small goals. So, I took out my English folder and started on my essay that was due tomorrow, it was completely boring. I may enjoy reading and writing but I much prefer creative writing over having to analyse the 'The Crucible', so I pulled out a little piece of lined paper.

I wrote 'Goals for school'. Yes, I am being serious, I am trying to avoid the drama everyone else seeks. I am quiet and shy, I prefer to observe everyone making up conflict just to have something to whinge about. To remind myself of what I stand for I keep little goals in my pocket.

Goal One. Stay hidden

Goal Two. No social interaction

Goal Three. Don't lose focus on tasks 1 and 2

I folded the piece of lined paper away back into my blue jumper pocket. The bell rang to signal that lunch ended so I stood up and brushed the grass stains of my pants. There is one thing you should know about me. I am fat.

I leaned down to pick of my stuff; I could hear laughter from the rubble a couple of metres away from me. I look up to see two slim and very attractive blonde girls laughing at me. A tear shed down my face. You would think I would get over the pain of being laughed at and being called fat. Well I haven't actually. But it always makes me remember to when this all started.

My mum came home from work every night to be greeted by dad and I. She worked at our local supermarket she never had a passion for anything but always had the motivation to work for money. For a long time, it was nice our house was actually a home and I felt like things were coming together but then dad started working late. No one saw each other anymore, mum always missed dads company and I missed having my father. It cause so much tension and stress was starting to take over the household. Nobody liked it and how did it start anyways?

Mum and dad then started arguing at first. I thought it might be having been about the fact that he forgot to pay the electricity bill or pick up dinner. But then, it escalated into fights and then dad sleeping on the couch. Every time I would hear them fight; I wouldn't eat. I hated the conflict and I always felt as if it was my fault. Not eating would result in my body going into starvation mode and I would get really hungry to the point when every time I ate I practically shoved food into my face. Eventually, I got to the point where I had to stop eating and that was when dad left. He didn't leave, mum kicked him out. He was having an affair with her sister my Aunty Meredith.

I have never been able to lose the weight, yet again I have never been motivated.

I leaned down and got on my knees to pick up my stuff. I stumbled inside and made my way to my locker. The school building is like every other, red on the outside then on the inside you have grey lockers that line the cream walls. Every time you walked past a classroom door the skirt of the door would be painted beige, so you know the ordinary colours. My school was everybody else's boring.

All through primary school I was trying so hard to fit in that I became bulimic and caked my face in makeup. But now I realise why try when I can be myself? But that still wasn't enough. People never liked me and no child should have to go through the loneliness and bulling of what I did, so if you ever have children support them and raise them in a fun and friendly environment, that will be one of the basic steps to life.

My dad was rich, but not super rich. We had nice things when he was around, and we never had to worry. When mum and dad were together, we lived in a bug house with everything you could want. Dad and mum both worked, however all dad wanted was a typical housewife. But when he left, dad took all of his possessions with him, so mum had to provide for us with her only job. This was when we downgraded to a two-bedroom one-bathroom essentials shack. It wasn't the five-star hotel we were wishing for but the one-star motel we were praying to stay in.

Saying that sounds very materialistic, like I need money to be happy. But I don't. It may be nice to living a plush lifestyle but, as long as I have my mum and brother life will be ok. I just wanted to highlight how quickly your life can change. How quickly you can lose a house and gain a lot of weight.

Beauty is what is within you, not what is on the outside, at first I didn't believe it personally I didn't want to believe it because everyone, my friends, family and I were being defined from the way we look. We aren't the ones with the problem Society is, society has to learn, that everyone has to accept who they and everyone one else.

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