Chapter 14

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Hello there it's been a long time :')

So I'm taking off the *ON HOLD*  but warning updates will be super slow.


When Elentiya had woken up, she found herself in unimaginable pain. Four days had passed since her first complete training session with Castol. She used to think that her master's training sessions were the worst, but was now undecided. Castol kept pushing her to her limit, for twelve consecutive hours every day. They'd gone over: precision and aim, sword play and strength on a daily basis. Many different situations she may face in a fight. She had learnt many things from him, that she didn't know before.

Training as an assassin was quite different. Elentiya may have known how to kill a man in many ways, but she was not familiar with hand-to-hand combat. Assassin's never required the use of such skills, as most targets were not able to fight back. To be an assassin required: patience, timing and inconspicuousness. Even thought the 'elites' were effectively killing too, they required a different range of skills: quick thinking, bravery and power. Aspects which Elentiya didn't realise she possessed without Castol's training.

She checked the time on the mahogany clock, which read twenty-five to seven. She had a solid 25 minutes to get ready for her training session today, which was plenty.

After she ran her bath, she stripped of her nightwear and slowly entered the bath - adjusting to the hot temperature. It didn't take long till the water felt familiar and soothing. She slowly felt herself relaxing in the warm bath. Eventually resting her head on the edge of the bath; emitting soft snores.

Surprisingly it was the most peacefully sleep she had in the past week. Lately her sleep had been disturbed by either the fact that her hunger for blood was becoming insatiable, or that her ex-partner, Tyair, was haunting her dreams. Every time she finally got to sleep, she would have a similar dream of the day he was dismissed from The Assassins' Order...

The sky was consumed by darkness. Dark clouds quickly covered the sky, looking vast and unending; holding in showers that were waiting to be exhaled. The dark air, became thick and humid, which would make any person anxious. Two young assassins stood underneath the fearsome sky. Completely unfazed by the rain that was cascading from the skies. It completely drenched the parched earth around them. The smell of wet soil lingered in the air.

The tension between the two was heavily emphasised by the rain. Elentiya clutched onto Tyair's arm and refused to use a weaker grip. She never wanted him to leave.

"Let go Ely." Tyair said, using his calmest of voices.

"No. Not unless you stay." Elentiya pleaded and whined like a child.

"Elentiya! You know if I could, I damn well would!" He snarled at her and she flinched when he used her full name. Tyair only ever used it when he was extremely vexed. Noticing her fear, he sighed deeply recomposing himself and swiftly untangled himself from her clutches.

Tyair dragged his hand through his long, unruly hair, which clung to his face in the rain. Elentiya knew that to be an action he only used when he was in deep thought. As she wondered why, he spoke again, "I have to go Ely. If I don't I'll be putting not only you, but the whole Order in even more danger, which is something I never wished to happen."

"That doesn't matter, it's not like we can't take care of ourselves... please, you're the only person who's near my age. I'll lose all sanity if I have to live without anyone to talk to." Elentiya begged, trying to hold back her tears. She loathed the way her body was reacting. She felt vulnerable. Too vulnerable.

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