School Day. [PLOT]

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 "(Y/N)... How could you do this to me....I have advice for you nonetheless." Matt spat at you.
 "N-No, M-Matt, I-I didn't mean too-"
 "SHUT UP (Y/N)! LISTEN TO ME!" He yelled at you.
 You got quiet instantly.
 "You shouldn't be there. Remember, one wrong step and Yuki will ruin you. You need to-"

 He never got to finish his warning. Your alarm clock went off, scaring you awake. You got up and stretched. You got ready in your normal outfit, a (f/c) sweater over a black shirt, with a(n) (e/c) pair of shorts to match your eyes. You put on the school uniform socks and shoes, and went to school.
"Okay class~! We have a new student today~! Come on in (Y/N)~!" Mrs. Okami said, firing a firework.
"I'm (Y/N) (L/N), I just moved here from Akabi High. I brought my phone, which has pictures of the school. They where for a photography project I never got to turn in, so I'll pass it around so everyone can see the school." You gave the phone first to Soul.

~~~~~ Sam's P.O.V. ~~~~~
 I'm the last one to get the phone, so I can take as long as I want. I held the phone in my hand and scrolled through the pictures. I saw pictures of Akabi High, and the inside. Then I saw a bunch of pictures of (Y/N) and a guy with brown hair and green eyes. There was a caption on one of the pictures. '(Y/N) and Matt, 1 year anniversary. So their dating?' I thought, a little bit jealous. I continued scrolling and saw a bunch of pictures of (Y/N) and a brown haired girl being chased by someone. There was a caption under one. '(Y/N) and Molly, having fun at a Halloween Party. Oh, so this was staged.' I thought. I looked at recent pictures in the Akademi High folder. There where a bunch of pictures of everyone, with captions of their names, and the photographer. 'Oh, Yuki took these pictures, probably to introduce (Y/N) to everyone.' I looked through a tab titled (Y/N) and Matt. Bad idea. The first picture was of Matt playing video games and (Y/N) sleeping with her head on his lap. I closed out the tab and gave (Y/N) her phone back. "I have a question I need to ask you at lunch (Y/N)."
Then I sat down.
"Hey (Y/N)?"
"Why'd you leave Akabi? You had a boyfriend and everything. You looked so happy together." I asked her.
Her (e/c) eyes pierced into my soul, while her (h/l) (h/c) hair stayed motionless.
"We broke up, that's all. I needed a fresh start."
"Why's there a tab called deaths?"
"Photography Club wanted me to document every death that occurred."
"Oh, well want to eat lunch with us?"
~~~~~Taurtis's P.O.V.~~~~~

I looked at Sam and (Y/N) talking together, and felt a little jealous. I need to talk to her tomorrow. He can't have her, and she can't like him more. She has to like me more, she HAS to. She has no choice. Wait, what am I doing? "Hey J, I'm gonna go to the bathroom really quickly okay?" He just nodded.

I rushed to the bathroom, and looked in the mirror, then splashed water on my face. I heard whispers in my ear. "I couldn't do that to him...." More whispering. "....I'M NOT GOING TO KILL HIM. I'M NOT GOING TO HURT HIM. I'M NOT GOING TO IGNORE HIM. HE'S MY FRIEND......" I can't believe it, I'm going to go insane over her, and I'm going to kill someone because of it. Oh (Y/N), I wish I could just speak to you about this, but you'd probably hate me over it. I sighed, and walked out.

Here's an update~!

Hope you like it~!

Taurtis/ SamGladiator X Yandere! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now