Beach Day! (More of a Taurtis x reader, but Sam has his moments) [OFF PLOT]

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You smiled and looked at your swimsuit. It was a plain white T-shirt and (f/c) swimsuit bottoms. You put it on and met with Sam and Taurtis outside the convenience store.
"Oooh~~ (Y/N)~~ getting all pretty pretty for a boy~~" Yuki teased, giggling.
"S-Shut up Yuki!" You puffed out your cheeks.
Taurtis and Sam where silent, blushing awkwardly. The bus drove up, and a guy with dirty blonde hair, and blue/green eyes got off. He looked at you, and you looked back at him. He seemed familiar.
"Fancy seein' you round here. Last time I saw you you where at Akabi High." He had a thick British accent.
"You know me? How?"
"Can't you remember your own brother? We barely see each other, but you couldn't have forgotten about me..."
Your eyes widened. "Grian? But how?"
He just winked at you. "Shhh. I'm a man of miracles (Y/N)..."
"Be quiet Mr. Disappears-for-several-days-just-to-do-it."
"That's true.."
Taurtis had a bit of courage now, and he grabbed your hand and hurried you to the beach, then he brought you away from Grian and Sam, and talked to you in private.
"I want to know... Do you, like me?"
"I, like as a friend?"
"No, more than a friend."
"I-" You hugged him, "Yes, yes.... I always have."
He smiled and hugged back. "G-Good. I won't go insane over this." He mumbled the last part.
You both walked back, and the sand castle building competition had started.
You finished your perfect sand castle, and turned around. You saw Sam way high up, and saw Grian breaking his sand castle to get him down. He got knocked off, and he landed safely.
"My sand Castle is ruined!" You heard him say softly. You walked over to him and smiled warmly at him.
"You can have mine Sam, I feel really bad for Grian scaring you and making you fall."
"R-Really? Thanks!" He gave you a small kiss on the cheek (In a friendly way) and ran over to your sand castle. You started to take down Sam's original castle, and started to build, when the timer ran out. You castle was half-way down, but Mrs. Okami gave you a 9/10. She almost disqualified Sam, but you filled her in on what had happen and she smiled at you both.
Taurtis grabbed your hand and kissed you in the middle of the sidewalk, in front of Grian and Sam, and everyone else, to show them that you where both dating. That was the worst mistake of his life.
Grian started to chase him around screaming about how he kissed you, and Sam was going a little insane, considering he liked you.

Taurtis/ SamGladiator X Yandere! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now