Chapter 38

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"Rise and shine" Arden shakes me awake, I groan when I open my eyes and realize I failed to stay awake the whole night, and I feel like someone has stabbed me in the head.
I sit up and begin to fold my blankets, when I have them all folded up and put in my bag I walk over to where some of the other girls are standing.
"She said katie would never like me" liv says to moo, mia, Aliyah, and Vanessa, they all turn around and glare at me.

"What?" I ask, confused. "You are bullying liv" moo said "she said you sent her texts saying you hated we and you and katie would never like her.
My stomach sinks and goes from panick to anger as I realize liv's lie, I instantly pull my phone out and show them all of our messages, "how do we know you didn't delete them?" Mia asks.
"I didn't I swear! How about you check liv's phone?" I ask, she tenses up and the girls ask to see her phone.
"What's the matter liv? Cat got your toungue?" I ask as she runs off.

"We're sorry" moo says and hugs me "we shouldn't have believed her"
"It's ok she's your friend, I just can't beleive she lied" I say and hug them all back.
I walk back over to my back as coach Mary announces that our parents will be here soon, I have no one to talk to because katie had to leave early this morning. I see mia walking towards me "hey annie" she smiles "you should come over to my house for a sleepover" I start to get excited "sure!" I say, just then my mom walks in.

"Mommy!" I run over to her "can I go to Mia's house?" She think for a moment before saying yes. Me and mia jump up and down, this could be a new bestfriend.

( bad ending but 7 votes and 7 comments for more! )

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