Broken Glass Broken Dreams

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Today was the day. He was gonna do it. The man he loved was in the other room getting ready to go out for dinner with him. Deans fingers wrapped around the little box in his pocket. He felt so nervous all the sudden but he was also so excited. He could already see it, after the wedding they would find a nice house on some land and they would invite Sam and Jess over for a beer every now and then. It would be perfect. They would settle down and adopt two kids, a boy and a girl. They would be an average family and it would all be how it should be.

Cas walked out of the bathroom looking as beautiful as ever. A smile briefly graced deans lips as he looked over the beautiful man. Every little detail about him Dean loved and wouldn't change a thing. Dean just wanted to kiss him, so what's stopping him? He had a feeling that somethings gonna go wrong. Cas is gonna say no and leave him with a broke heart and a ring with no finger to perch on.

Dean fumbled with his hands as he thought of all the possible scenarios of how this could go wrong. Maybe he shouldn't do it. Maybe he should just go out for dinner tonight with the man he loved and always would love and return the ring tomorrow. No he had to do this, he had to marry this man. He couldn't back out.

Cas asks if he's ready to go and Dean only nods in reply. Dean grabbed his car keys off the counter and they head out of the house. The twinge won't go away. It's running through his mind on repeat as if it's taunting him. He tightens his grip on the steering wheel making his knuckles turn white.

Cas can tell something's wrong with Dean by the way he's acting. Dean turns up the music to block out his thoughts. It's a soft song thats soothing, it still doesn't help. Cas gives him a worried glance but let's it be. They're driving down a dark country road going well over the speed limit. Dean is too distracted with his thoughts to notice.

Cas puts a hand on his arm and tells him to ease up some on the gas. Dean looks at his speedometer and slows down to the limit. He lets out a breath he didn't even know he was holding.

Dean can see out of the corner of his eye that Cas keeps shooting him worried glances. This isn't suppose to be how it is. He's suppose to be excited not scared. He's suppose to want to do this, he shouldn't be giving this second thoughts. But why was he, was this a sign that he shouldn't go through with it.

Dean turns his head to look at Cas and how beautiful he looks. He gives a small smile but suddenly theres no doubt in his mind that everything is gonna be okay. But now there's screaming. Whose screaming, it's himself. Why is he screaming? Why is Cas screaming? The world is spinning and he can see blood, but whose blood is it? He's terrified and suddenly Everything goes black. He can't feel anything but fear.

Dean can feel himself waking up. Everything hurts. What happened? Where was Cas? There's sirens in the distance Dean hopes they get to them soon. Dean looks around with much protest to the pain in his head. His skull is throbbing and he feels something wet trickling down his face. He feels like he's gonna throw up. There's a metallic smell in the air that only makes him more sick. What the hell happened to him... Them.

There's people standing around him. They're on the phone or telling him to stay awake and not to worry because everything is gonna be ok. Nothing is okay because he can't see Cas. He needs to see that he's okay, is he okay? He asks himself again, "where's my Cas? Where's my boyfriend, my best friend, my everything, my whole entire world. Where is he?! Why can't I see him?" Now he's panicking. Oh god everywhere he looks there's more blood.

Now he knows why they were telling him to now worry because he finally spots him. His beautiful boy, he's covered in blood and he's not moving. Dean calls his name but there's no response. From what he can tell there's no rise and fall of his chest indicating signs of life. He calls his name louder and before he knows it he's screaming his name as tears run down his cheeks to mix with blood and dirt. The people are telling him to calm down but he only responds with more screaming of Cas' name and "no I love him".

He drags himself closer but is soon stopped by a hand. When did the sirens get so loud? They tell him to hold still but Dean tries to fight against them. He's too weak to win. He's sobbing and screaming so much that his throat hurts. The men run to Cas whose still not moving. There's broken glass covering the street and all around him. There's blood all over it. His beautiful boyfriends blood is covering the glass around him.

The men stop chest compressions after a while and call out a time. No. This can't be happening to him. He's not dead he's alive and he's gonna marry Dean. He's gonna settle down with two kids and an apple pie life.

Dean sees something among the glass and blood. It's a tiny beaten up box. It's slightly open to reveal a tiny gold band with blood on it. More tears cascade down Deans cheeks and everything becomes a blur. Dean takes one last glance at Cas before more paramedics block out the view of the beautiful man.

Everywhere on the ground all he can see is broken glass and broken dreams.

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