Hope (Part2) - Parrish imagine

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My situation hasn't changed. Again I was sitting in a chair, at the hospital.

After Y/N collapsed, I thought I was about to lose her, but half an hour later the doctor talked to me again and assured me she was in a good condition now. She probably collapsed because her injuries were torn again, after the doctor has supplied them.

Though she was fine I felt as bad as before. I blamed myself for her accident because I wasn't with her when it happened. If she had died I would have probably lost myself because my life was worthless without her. She's the reason I had a reason to live at all. She gave me support, support no one gave me before.

"Jordan, how is she?", Lydia, Scott and each one of them appeared. Lydia nearly jumped into my arms.

"Guess, she's fine", a tear escaped my eye because of the fact they were here.

"That's good news, don't cry", she hugged me tighter and the smell of her cologne rose to my nose. She always smelled like strawberries, which reminded me to Y/N. She loved them with all of her heart.

Now, everyone was sitting around me. Lydia and Stiles holding hands, Scott and Kira with concerned face expressions in their faces and Liam was just staring, staring into space.

I think they were as nervous as I was. I could see it in their eyes, their movements, their breaths.

"When did you sleep the last time?", Scott sat beside me and clapped onto my shoulder,"The right question is.. Since when are you here, man?", suddenly Stiles took a seat beside me.

"3 or 4 days ? I don't know.. Time's not important for me at the moment", I know I looked bad, but I couldn't leave the hospital until Y/N was allowed to come home with me. Everything could happen when I'm leaving. Her injuries could be torn again, or her heart stops beating..


"What about your job? The Sheriff needs you, Parrish", Scott was right, but I didn't care,"I took a week off", my voice became weaker by every sentence which left my mouth. The giddiness came up and I really wanted to take a break from all this shit.


"Let me go, Jordan. It's time", she had the most careful voice in the world,"It's time".

"I can't Y/N. Don't leave me now, I need you", I found myself in a big dark room. The only one I could see was her. I wanted to touch her, to grab her hand, but I couldn't.

It felt, as if something was holding me back from her. I couldn't move, I couldn't hold her in my arms.

She talked to me, but she always repeated the same words : It's time..


"Y/N", I screamed her name until I realised it was just a dream.

"What's wrong?", everyone asked, but I just ignored them. I couldn't hold it anymore,

I had to see her.. Right now

I got up and walked over in the direction of her bedroom, till I nearly bumped into the doctor from before,"Oh, Mr. Parrish.. I just wanted to talk to you", he spoke up,"Yeah, same.. I wanted to know if I'm allowed to see Y/N", I couldn't look in his eyes, I've been to nervous for eye contact.

"Oh.. Jordan, Y/N's gone.. Just a couple of minutes ago", his words seemed so unrealistic and ridiculous to me which caused me to laugh. I laughed, but then I realised he was serious.

The tears came up again and full of anger I banged my fist against the wall,"Are you serious? A couple of hours ago you told me she was in a good condition", I felt so mixed up and my head burned like hell.

"Yeah, that was right. But somehow she had an unpredictable cardiac arrest, I'm sorry. You can see her, if you want to", one last time the doctor gave me a caring smile before he left.

I stood there for another couple of minutes, till I finally pulled myself together and opened the door to her bedroom. I stepped in, walked a little closer to her bed and watched how she was laying there.

She looked better than yesterday. Her skin seemed more colourful and her body wasn't as emaciated as yesterday. I couldn't understand why she gave up.

Didn't she promise me to be always by my side?

I took another step forward and grabbed her hand. Her skin wasn't as cold as expected. Her body heat still gave me the feeling she always gave me when we touched.

"You can't imagine how mad I am at you.. I'm mad because I'm not going to hear your usual giggle again.. or .. y - your good morning messages when I'm at work ..

I'm going to miss everything about you, Y/N" before I turned around to leave her room I kissed her forehead and walked in the direction of the door.

"Means, I should stay a little more, don't you think so?", I froze. Was that just my imagination or was it real?

I turned around seeing her beautiful brown eyes..

wait? orange-brown?..

I stepped a little closer until I realised her eyes were glowing.

Glowing like those of a werewolf?

"This is the 2nd time today you're scaring me to death, lil cupcake", I hugged her as tight as I never did before. I was determined to never let her go again..

"I'm good at scaring people, nah?", doesn't matter how often she's upsetting me, she's my queen and she'll always be my queen.

"The doctor told me you've been dead", now I wanted to talk about her 'wolf-appeareance'.

"I didn't tell anyone, Jordan.. You know.. I wasn't bitten by an alpha, like Scott.. I was born like a werewolf", she confessed me looking down.

"Why didn't you heal? The doctor also told me your injuries-"

"Long story.. I may be a werewolf since birth, but I haven't mastered the skills yet.. Both of my parents died and no one was able to teach me how to be a 'real werewolf'"

"We have to tell Scott. He's going to help you, love", I couldn't resist her anymore. I wanted to kiss her so bad,"Thank the supernatural", I said before smashing my lips on hers.

As soon, I'm not going to forget this day..


Oh my god.. I hope this one didn't suck.

I had no idea how to end this one, so I just improvised 😳❤
I hope it wasn't that bad,

thanks for reading loves,


~ obriensgurl

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