It Took a While

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Aoba x IED!Reader

    You thought that no matter what you told people, how you explained it, nobody would come to understand your violent tendencies. You would never be able to connect with others the way you wanted to. You would never find someone to stick to, whether it'd be a friend or something more.

    That was until you met him.

    It took a while for Aoba to understand your sudden and violent outbursts that were triggered so easily. Just a small sarcastic remark, a little insult, and you would go swinging fists. Nonetheless, Aoba was still there to calm you down. Someone like that had never come around, someone with such a soothing and warm aura that had the power to make your anger dissipate into nothing.

    It took a while for you to tell Aoba of your condition. Intermittent Explosive Disorder, a mental condition that caused your anger to rise really easily. And being the ever so forgiving, loving and wonderful man he is, he came to understand. And it was at the time you told him when something began to grow between the both of you.

    He never tried to provoke you in any way, even before you spoke to him about your IED. Whenever you were on the rise of anger he placed a hand over yours. When you exploded, he would always come up from behind and embrace you. Although there were some cases where you were still kicking and screaming, it still worked all the time. If he didn't calm you down in an instant, he still could in under 30 seconds. There was no denying that you two were destined for each other.

    It took a while for you to get better. Although your condition never really went away, you were much more calm later. Small insults only triggered a glare or perhaps a worse insult from you, but not the urge to fight. You were able to laugh at sarcasm and jokes at last, and you started getting closer to people over a period of time.

    You knew none of it could have been done without Aoba. The bluenette that could calm you in any situation. And the man you felt you were made for.

    It took a while for both of you to get together. It was when his friends started getting closer to you, some flirting with you, that Aoba started acting strange. He often glared at men who even looked you over.

    "They look at you as if you were some shiny new object they would love to use!" He always said.

    It got worse when his childhood friend, Koujaku gave you his attention, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, complementing you, anything a playboy like him would do. It was when he finally implied that he would love to have you in his bed that the usually calm Aoba would explode, confronting Koujaku and shooting rather offensive comments like how he was nothing but a womanizer. He wouldn't let him touch you one night and break your heart the next morning. You needed someone sweet and loyal to stay with you every night. Knowing just what was going on, you smiled and approached him from behind, wrapping your arms around his torso. And he immediately stopped talking. His anger disappeared. He turned around in your arms and apologized, saying he had a little case of IED himself, to which you laughed and kissed his nose.

    As you began spending nights with him, building up a close relationship with him, your IED became almost nothing. You were always with him, the sweet and soothing Aoba that could calm anyone. There was nothing for you to be angry about anymore.

    Your condition wasn't cured (it could never be), but you knew you most certainly had nothing to worry about. Not when he was by your side. It took a while, but the years were all worth it.


I'm doing a little mental disorder series with the main DMmd boys.

I chose Aoba for this because he is the most adorable ever. And since he is just a naturally calming person, I thought he was perfect for this. I love Aoba. He's such a sweetheart.

Intermittent Explosive Disorder-  A behavioral disorder characterized by explosive outbursts of anger, often to the point of rage, that are disproportionate to the situation at hand.

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