So About Last Chapter... *Coughs*

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I was doped up. Yeah so let me tell you the story.

I had pain in my side so I went to the hospital and they needed a sample of urine and I personally thought that wasn't necessary.

And I couldn't use the bathroom for some reason, they said something was blocking it and now I have to take pills. There were a few options to get the sample:

Force liquids (drinking a gallon of water)

A needle for pain. (Which hurt like hell holy shit)

And a tube thingy which would have to.. Uh.. I don't really want to say that.

So I chose the needle.

Here's a few things I said while i was doped up:

Snow is just a white cloud covering earth.

Mom I want food can I have chicken?

That needle hurt like a bees butt spike.

I have a rock inside my body.

I wanna go to Disney land.

But I want my chocolate soda milk.

xD I don't even know

And I can't drink anything but water fuck my life.

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