The Little Protector

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Selena came home, hearing paws on the tile as she entered the kitchen. A yip shortly followed and she turned to see a german shepherd puppy behind her, trying to paw at her leg. "Darren....why is there a puppy in the apartment?" He smiled. "I thought you could use a friend while Im gone." She raised an eyebrow. "Gone?" He came up behind her, scooping up the puppy and hugging her. "Well, I also thought we could celebrate." Once again, she raised an eyebrow. "You're acting very strange Darren. What's going on?" He smiled. "I got the raise darling... Thats how we can afford to have this puppy and all his necessities."

Her eyes widened. "You got the raise? Honey that's great! What will we name him?" She took the dog and held him closely. "I decided to let you choose, my love." Selena thought for a moment. "How about Cooper?" When Darren heard the name, he smiled wider. "Why Cooper, darling?" She shrugged. "He looks like a Cooper James to me... Don't you think?" Darren laughed and shook his head as the pup tried to nibble at his fingers. "Cooper James. You have an affinity for names, hun."

Cooper decided to wiggle, and Selena took him. "Come here Cooper, you just want mamma to hold you, don't you?" At the latter comment, Darren knew she had fallen in love with their fur child. "Perhaps this will be a test run to see how we will do as husband and wife?" Her eyes widened. "Is that you proposing to me?" Selena asked with a squeak. "No, but we can practice. I do love you Selena, there's no doubt of that. I just need to secure a few more things before I make that dream a reality." He kissed her forehead.

She held Cooper in her arms, looking at the television as she pet him, and Darren got a phone call. Coming into the living room, he sat down beside her. "Some of the guys want to get together later. If I go, I wont be more than three hours tops. But, only if you are okay without me here." Selena looked at Darren. "I don't have to decide for you, Darren, you are old enough to make your own choices. Besides, I have Cooper the guard dog." She held him up and he growled. "See? He's already getting protective," she giggled. Darren smiled and kissed her cheek. "Okay, hun. I trust you will be alright. You have your pepper spray too, yeah?" She nodded, and took it from the side table. "Good. I will call when I get there and on my way home." Selena nodded, and watched him leave.

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