Fraction Blood

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In a world where their is multiple kinds of people. Werewolfs, Vampires, Demigods, Shape-shifters, Magicians-not the kind that does card tricks but that could teleport and so much more, and Humans of course. Where you were either one or the other, or a halfblood being ONLY two of those creatures. Everyone had a family where they were meant to be with their kind. Could you imagine being in the middle of all of that. Having no place to go, no family to be with, having no place you were meant to be with.

I am the only of my species, so im kind of an outcaster. You can say im different. I am part everything-werewolf, vampire, demigod, shape-shifter, and magician. My species surpasses the half-blood race.

My Name is Luke Hawthrone, I am a Fraction-Blood

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