Chapter Twelve

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My head was spinning as I opened my eyes. I was floating and I could hear voices.

I was suspended in mid-air, only I could see everything around, even myself.

I was watching a vision.

The vision me was in bad shape, if you can call it that.

Her hands and feet were frozen to the ground and the ice was slowly expanding.

There were about four people around me, closing in.

Three men and a woman. N and Kyle were there, sick twins the both of them, though they’re not related.

“Why are you chasing me?!” Vision me spat, “I didn’t do anything!”

A man with carmine hair, he looked about twenty, came up to me and grabbed my chin fiercely.

“You’re cute, I can see why Red picked you instead of that pesky Green girl,” he sneered, banging my head against the wall of ice behind me.

“Oh fuck off!” I screamed, “Heeeelpppp!”

I opened my mouth to scream again but a cloth was tied over it.

“Oh just give up already, no one on the entire island is going hear that pitiful crying of yours,” A man with a dark persona snorted, yanking the gag tighter.

“I agree with him on the cute thing, ingesting personality with a sad past, I think I’m going at her once we take her back with us,” a boy with dark blue hair smirked.

“The girl is going to freeze to death or be a statue for all eternity, forget your plans Falkner,” the lady chuckled.

The man with the scary person broke the ice with his fist. My wrists were broken, I could tell from way up here, and he shoved me into a cell.

“We were to send her back alive and breathing, not frozen only to die when she thaws.”

My eyes lifted open and I didn’t see I thing.

I put my hand on my head to feel a damp and cold towel. I looked next to me to see…..Silver?!

I jumped back and fell of the bed on my ass. Silver smiled at me, “This is totally your fault that we’re on house, more like boat, arrest until we get to Hoenn,” he huffed.

I got up, rubbing my ass, “What did I do?”

“We got in trouble with Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny for doing such a stupid thing.”

I looked at Silver carefully then tilted my head curiously.

“Why did you save me?” I wondered, pointing at the wraps on his legs.

“You sound ungrateful, would you rather I just let you die?” I snapped sarcastically, “because I’m starting to wish I did, then I wouldn’t be trapped in the same room as you for a whole three days.”

“Hey, not nice, it’s not my fault that you fell over while dipping me over cloud nine,” I pouted, walking towards the door.

I tried opening it, but it was locked.

“What the hell, who locks a door on someone unconscious? I wanted to see Red and Blue,” I huffed, kicking the door.

“When I said house arrest I meant it smart ass,” Silver snickered, “And don’t kick the door, you’ll break your damn toes.”

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