You Got Spirit, Kid

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Chapter 4: You Got Spirit, Kid

"Are you really going to leave so soon?" He ran a finger down the spine of his back, admiring the tone and definition in his physique. He hadn't expected to spend the night, especially after their fight, but he couldn't resist those charming eyes and insatiable smile. And those lips! Truly a god!

"We've had our fun for the evening, and now the evening is over. And with it goes the fun."

"So, can we do this again sometime? I can honestly say I've never had quite a lover such as yourself. You are the same aggressive beast on the battlefield in the bedroom. It would be such a shame to not see you again," he rolled over on his side and propped his head against his hand. He pouted, hoping to persuade another night from the lover.

"This will be the last time you will see me. I won't have any control over our next encounter, wherever that will be, and I can't guarantee that I will be I was today. So I can honestly say, you should hope we never meet again."

"Oh, come on Hisoka," the man rolled over on his back now, arms and legs sprawled outwards, "don't you want to ravage me again? You told me that you had never met someone like me."

Hisoka turned and looked at him, disinterested. "I thought the same thing, and yet here we are. You, lying there reeking of desperation, and I putting my clothes on, back again at square one. Life is so cruel to its most passionate souls. You understand, Nobu." Hisoka pulled his half shirt over his head and stood up. He stretched his arms and grunted. "At least you provided me some small satisfaction this evening."

Nobu shot up from the bed angrily. "You don't need to make me feel like some sort of toy that you're putting back on the shelf, Hisoka. You sure know how to kill a man's spirit."

"Spirits are not the only thing I know how to kill," Hisoka grinned cunningly at him, "isn't that how we wound up here in the first place?"

"We wound up here because you didn't want to admit defeat. You and I both know that I had the upper hand in that battle. I had much to protect."

Hisoka laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "You had much to protect? Why, sweet Nobu. You're so simple its delectable."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Nobu reached for his pants, offended by Hisoka's tone.

"Why, you had nothing to protect, boy lover. I had already taken care of your boss before I even looked into those resilient eyes of yours."

Nobu's jaw dropped, and his eyes shot open in anger. He couldn't control the waves of distaste that swam through his body. "Why— son of a bitch!"

Hisoka laughed again. "Yes, to some I was the son of a bitch. But she wasn't so bad. What's done is done, Nobu. Let's not spoil the evening I'm sure you won't forget. Me, on the other hand, have already put our encounter in the back of my mind." Hisoka reached down and tied his shoes. He grabbed his deck of cards and strolled towards the door. "Be a good boy now, boy lover."

Nobu grabbed Hisoka's arm and put a pocket knife to his throat. "You dare say those words to me and then try to leave? You have forgotten who would've been victorious, clown. I will not let you leave this room until you have atoned for your sins. What's so funny!?"

Hisoka's body shook in amusement. Okay, that's enough now. Clearly I was wrong about this hunt. He reached his arm up quickly and tightened his grip around Nobu's throat. He looked deeply into his eyes, terrorizing Nobu without words. "You are quite the comedian tonight, boy lover. Surely, you must know there are no jobs that I leave unfinished. But let's get one thing painfully clear," his voice deepened; danger leaking through. "I was wrong about you. I thought you could provide a challenge, but you were so easily taken down, in both the bedroom and the battlefield, that I see no need to take anything about you seriously. Oh what's wrong, sweet Nobu?" Nobu's face was turning blue from the lack of oxygen. "I thought you liked this? Didn't you ask me to do something like this to you?" Hisoka pouted. "Oh, you're no fun, boy lover." He released Nobu from his grasp, dropping his hard on the ground. Nobu gasped for air and tried to regain his composure. He looked up at Hisoka, eyes full of animosity. Hisoka chuckled lightly and bent down. "I see no true purpose in killing you here tonight. I have no carnal desires at the current moment---you can thank yourself for that---and quite frankly, you're not worthy of a death by my hands tonight. Think of it as...a gift." Hisoka smiled warmly at him and regained his position. He turned towards the door.

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