Desire love chap 5

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This is the fifth chapter. Hope you enjoy it =D

Desire Love - Chapter 5

I laid down on the bed in the infirmary room and put my hands behind my head, wondering what Rex wants from me. As time dragged on, I felt my eyes became heavy and eventually, I closed my eyes and napped. Few hours later, I was awaken by a dream. I peeped at my watch and realized I was late! I was extremely late! And it was dark! I can't believe I actually napped for so long! I jumped out from the bed. It was so dark that I accidentally knocked on the table.

" Ouch! Damn! "

" You're really late. " Rex's voice frightened me.

" What the! " I stunned. " Why didn't you tell me you're here?! " I exclaimed.

" Well, I'm here all the time. You just didn't realized. "

" What do you mean? All the time? " I said while trying to balance myself.

" Actually... " He ignored my question " What happened to you yesterday? Answer me..." He stopped. " HONESTLY. " He looked serious.

" I... I already told you nothing happened! "

" Yes, something did happened. "

" Why do you care so much?! Its none of your business anyway! " I got so frustrated and yelled. " Its my business! Not yours... You.... "

Without hesitation, he lifted my chin and planted his lips on mine, ignoring my push at his chest. I wasn't strong enough to get him away from me. Few seconds later, he took his mouth from mine. Before he could speak, I raised in anger. I stamped his feet as hard as I could.

" Damn you! I don't want to see you ever again!! " I grabbed my bag and ran away. Tears started to stream down my face.

Why? What does that kiss mean? Is he playing the fool with me?! How could he be so cruel? Its my.... first kiss! Urghhh!!!!!


Rex's P.O.V.


Why? Is it so hard for her to fall in love with me? Why did I want her so badly? We just knew each other yesterday and she was on my mind for the whole night, I could hardly fall asleep! I kneel down on the floor and hit my forehead with my palm.

" Damn! I bet she hates me now! " I whispered.

---- Wednesday ----


Belle's P.O.V.


" Belle, what do you think? " April asked. I wasn't really focus on what our conversation was. I was still thinking about the kiss.

" Belle? " April snapped her finger. Again, I wasn't listening. " Belle! " She yelled.

" Huh? What? " I was shocked and stood up.

" Are you ok? You're really pale. Are you sick? " She touched my forehead.

" Im fine. "

" You sure? ". I pulled April out of the classroom.

" What happened? " She asked with an anxious expression.

" He kissed me yesterday. "

" Who? Rafe? "

" No.. Rex.. "

" What?! Rex?! " She shouted. I closed her mouth and apologized to the students who were looking at us.

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