Desire love chap 10

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Desire Love - Chapter 10

"Oh hi! Is Rex here? " She smiled.

"Ermm... You are? "

"I'm Rex's lover, Kalyn. " She grinned. I raised my eyebrows in shocked! Suddenly, Yareli ran towards Kalyn.

"Sister! You're back!! "

I was soo confused now. Kalyn? Fiancee? Rex's fiancee? Yareli's sister?

"I'll go look for Rex first. Bye! " Kalyn ran upstairs.

"Yareli.. Is Kalyn.... "

"Yes, Kalyn is Rex's lover. I lied to you that she died. She wasn't. It is better off like that! Now, don't ever disturb them again! You should know that you're in their way.. so you should know what's better for you now huh? " She gave an evil smile and walked away.. I fell on the floor, wondering what should I do now.. I walked to the room. I wanted to open the door but I accidentally heard their conversation.

"Rex! How can you treat me like that? "

"You are the one who left me 2 years ago! "

"I don't want to but I really have to leave that time! "

"You give up on me, our memories, everything and went off to Japan just to attend the art classes there! I didn't expect you would do that! I thought you would give up on your future and be with me! I was so naive last time! It is better if we don't see each other anymore. We're officially over. " Rex turned away.

"Is it... Is it because of that girl who opened the door for me?! Is it?! " I was afraid. I was scare that I might lose Rex now! I'm really scare! Tears immediately welled up in my eyes.

"No! Belle is a girl who I wished to protect and I want to! " I widened my eyes. Now, I knew it. Rex just wanted to protect me. He didn't really love me. He just wanted to protect me from Heather and Rafe. It was a lie! It was all a lie! I closed the door slowly and leaned against the door. ' Rex, I love you... " I whispered and walked out the house with my shattered heart.


Rex's P.O.V.


"Maybe at first, I really wanted to protect Belle because she was just like you.. she has a weak personality. I went near her because I want to know more about her. But I ended up falling for her. After you left, I was heart-broken. Until the day I met Belle, I was no longer upset anymore because I believe Belle was the right girl for me. She'll never leave me like how you did. She'll always love me. Her love for me is first to none. I believe she's the girl who love me the most in this whole wide world. I trusted her like how I used trust you but I realized the more I trust you, the more you're hurting me so I gave up! Kalyn, let's just forget it. Don't drag Belle into this matter. I love her, not you. I want her, not you. I need her, not you. Do you get it? I've once loved you, but you didn't appreciate it. My heart can fit one person in it. And I believe that person will be Belle. Sorry, Kalyn.. "

"Then how about the tattoo on your chest? I heard it from Yareli that it was for me!! " She cried out.

"Kalyn, Yareli was wrong. She know nothing about this tattoo. This tattoo is for my future girl. This tattoo means LOVE HER FOREVER. It wasn't referring to you. Its referring to Belle. I admitted it was my mistake to let you go. I was too stupid to let you go. But now, I'm very thankful, Kalyn. Thanks for making me made the right decision about letting you go. Belle is the only girl who can make my heart race whenever I look into her eyes. Belle is the only girl who can break my heart when I looked at her crying face. I feel pain deep down in my heart. Its like I want to protect her and do something for her but... "

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