Part 8: Day 2 and 3

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Day 2:

Three days left. They decided that they would stay home today. Prussia wasn't feeling well and Canada had to take care of him. Throughout the day, they would try to stay away from the fact that Prussia is dying, by talking more about hockey, pancakes, and other things. But Prussia had a question in mind that has been bothering him the whole day.

"Birdie....what do you think it will be like when I disappear...?", Prussia asked, holding Canada's hand, "Do you think it'll be all black? Or do you think I will become a ghost...?"

".....Prussia, all I can say is that I hope it's nice on the other side.", Canada whispered.

"And also....whe-when I die, I still want you to live your life...okay? Don't do anything stupid, don't commit suicide or anything like that...promise?", Prussia asked, looking at Canada's teary eyes.

"...promise...I love you, Gilbert...", Canada whispered, kissing Prussia's head.


Day 3:

Two days left. Staying home would be the wise choice. So, they invited some countries over for a party. Germany brought beer, Italy brought pasta, Japan brought some movies, America brought deserts, England brought (burnt) scones, France brought wine, Russia brought vodka, China brought a bunch of food, and Spain brought Romano. It was a fun party. Everyone sat on the floor and on the couch, watching scary movies and eating popcorn. They made sure not to do too much, in fear that Prussia will become uneasy again.

"Hey, west, want to wa-"

Prussia fell to the ground. His eyes were closed. He wasn't dead, everyone knew that. He just passed out. So, Germany carried him and laid him on the couch. Everyone decided to leave and let Gilbert rest. Canada was stuck taking car of Prussia again. He didn't want to do this. Not because he doesn't like caring for Prussia, it's because he doesn't want to see Prussia like this. He wants to see him living his last days with a big smile. But, he couldn't force Prussia to do anything too active.

" many more days...?", Canada asked, sadness in his eyes.

"...about two....why?", Prussia whispered.

"Because I want to know how much time I can spend with you, of course! about, tomorrow...we just stay together for the whole day, okay? He can watch hockey, play games, and do other things, eh.", Canada said.

Prussia smiled and said, "Sure, Birdie. I think it'll be awesome.".

Prussia x Canada (APH) - UnnoticedWhere stories live. Discover now