Part 7: Day 1

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Four days left. Would he have enough time to say all he wants to say? Do all he wants to do? Not likely, but he'll try.

It's the morning and Prussia was feeling a bit weak today. Today, Matthew and him decided they would go to a carnival today. Gilbert loved them, and it's where they had their first date. As always, Matthew cooked pancakes for breakfast and made coffee.

"Good morning, Gilbert!", Matthew said, with happiness in his voice.

"He's probably trying to forget this whole situation", Gilbert thought.

"Good morning, Birdie. Are you excited for today?", Gilbert asked.

Matthew gave him is pancakes and said, "ye-yes! I think it'll be very fun, eh! You should get dressed right after you finish your pancakes, so we can get to the carnival early.".

The Prussian nodded and ate his pancakes quickly. He went up stairs to go change and soon came back with a nw outfit.

"You ready, Birdie?", Gilbert asked, waiting for him near their door.

"Yup! I'll be right there!", Matthew said, now arriving.

The couple went outside and drove to the carnival. Prussia was feeling a bit dizzy, but he ignored it. Soon they arrived to their destination. They got tickets, waited in line, and finally got to the rides. Prussia persuaded Canada to go on the big, fast rollercoasters, and he succeeded. When the ride stopped, Prussia was more dizzy than Canada. So, they decided that they would go on the slower rides.

"Birdie, ca-can we le-leave soon...?", Prussia said, looking a bit uneasy.

"Um....sure, Gilbert. But don't you love carnivals?", asked Canada, very confused.

"Yeah....but I don't feel so good right now....", Prussia said quietly.

"You don't look very good...I think we should leave right now. It's best you get some rest.", Canada said, as if forcing Prussia to agree with him.

They then left the carnival and went home. Canada made Prussia more pancakes and Prussia laid down on their couch. Both of them watched hockey together and snuggled in a blanket.

"Please don't leave...", Canada thought.

Prussia x Canada (APH) - UnnoticedWhere stories live. Discover now