The Unexpected

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  • Dedicated to Those who are curious :D

Here goes nothing!

(I'm sorry if it's boring but give it a chance. Thanks!)


"Hey Alex? Can you come give me hand, sweetie?" called Nana from downstairs.

"Coming Nana!" I called walking down the spiral staircase which led into the antique shop.

Nana owns an antique shop and I help her out. I guess you can call it a job since I do get paid. Even though I'm not related to Nana, I think of her as a grandma. She's the closest thing I have to family.

You see, I'm a foster child, or I was a foster child until Nana took me under her wing. Before Nana took me in, I was adopted by six other families. I never liked them, therefore I always did bad things so they could take me back to the foster home.

One time when I was 6, I got adopted by a married couple with a bratty daughter. She was so rude and extremely annoying. Later that night, I got some tooth paste and squirt it inside her shoes. Then, I got a bunch of worms from my bag and spread them all over her bed. (I was always prepared with pranks just in case I didn't like the family, which was most of the time.) You should have seen the look on her face when she saw the worms! Assuredly, I was brought back to my foster home the next morning.

As soon as I turned 12, nobody adopted me anymore. They only came looking for children under the age of 6. However, Nana came along and I've been with her ever since. She treats me like her grand daughter and I love her more than anything.

"Yes Nana?" I asked

"Oh, Alex can you reach that box on the top shelf for me?" asked Nana

"Sure, no problem."

I stood on my tippy-toes and reached for the box on the top shelf. After I finally got it I handed it to her.

"So, what's in it?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Just some nick-knacks for the shop and a little something I thought you might like."

"Ooooo! What is it?! What is it?!" I screeched a little too excited.

Nana held up the most beautiful jewelry box I had ever seen. There were flowers carved along the sides and a very beautiful ballerina figurine that adorned the top. It was so precious and looked very delicate.

I was speechless.

"It's.... It's beautiful!" I stuttered

"I knew you would love it." smiled Nana

"Are you giving it to me?!" I asked a little surprised

"Of course I am! But I want you to take very good care of it, okay?"

"Okay! I promise!"

I sprung into her arms and gave her a big bear hug. Then, I ran upstairs to put it in my room.

We live in a two-story building. The antique shop is on the first floor. In the back of the shop, there is a staircase that leads up into our apartment. (A/N Like the one in Wizards of Waverly Place. And, just in case you're wondering I didn't name her after Alex Russo.) It was a very cozy apartment.

I walked into my room and closed the door behind me. I kicked off my slippers and walked towards my bedside table. Ever so gently I set the jewelry box right next to my alarm clock. Perfect. I ran my fingers across the carved flowers and smiled to myself. As I stood there admiring it for a while longer, I took a quick glance at the clock. 30 minutes until 1. Shoot! I only had 30 minutes to get to ballet class!

I took ballet classes on Saturday's because the shop wasn't open. It's normally open on Monday-Friday from 12-5pm. Nana runs the shop while I'm at school and after school I help her for the last two hours. Nana can handle it though. I mean, it's an antique shop. How busy can it possibly get?


I hurried down the subway stairs and tried to stretch along the way. I tried not to draw so much attention to myself. Thankfully, I live in New York so it's really crowded and pretty easy to blend in.

When I got to the studio, I was all stretched out. I rushed into the bathroom and put on my tutu and then my pointe shoes. I left the bathroom and walked into class.


"Okay class, that's all for today! Good job and I'll see you guys next week!" Ms. Emily said with a huge smile plastered on her face.

I walked over to my duffel bag to change my shoes. All the other girls had already left to go shopping together.

"Good job today, Alex! Very impressing!" Ms. Emily said as she walked over to me.

"Thanks Ms. Emily!" I said with a small smile.

"So, how are things going?" she asked.

"Pretty good. I have a test on Monday so I have to get studying." I answered with a slight groan of frustration.

"I'll see you next week then! Good luck!" Ms. Emily said.

"Thanks! I'll need it!" I said as I gave her a hug.

I walked out of the studio and sighed. I saw the girls walking down the street to the mall. I never really get invited to those things but I don't really mind. It'd be nice to have some friends my age though. I turned the opposite direction and started towards home. Yay! Time to study! I thought. Note the sarcasm.

________MUST READ!!!________

I thought you should get to know Alex a little bit. Sorry if it was boring. Blame the author!

Yup! That's it! It's sort of the first story I've ever written so go easy on me! Trust me I'll become a better writter! Let me know what you think please! Feedback would be awesome!!! :) Should I keep writing or shamelessly leave my writing "career"? It's up to you! And yes I know, antique shop, pretty weird right? I guess I'm weird then! Please comment! I'll be a little scared to read them but oh well!!! Thank you!


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