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It was a bright sunny morning. Coal was in his bed sound a sleep, then suddenly a loud thud came from the other side of the room. His roommate Meliee had fallen out of his bed. Meliee quickly jumped up in shock then realized he had fallen out of bed.

"Damn it!.....stupid bed." Meliee cursed as he fixed his sheets.

"Stop blaming the bed Meliee, its your own fault." Coal said as he sat up in bed. Coal then rubbed his eyes and got up.

"I can blame what ever I want!" Meliee barked at Coal. Coal didn't seemed to be phased at all by Meliee's retort.

"Just remember Meliee who's the captain of the elite squad." Coal said with a smirk. "That mean i make the work out plans..."Meliee groaned in reply.

"Thats such an unfair card." Meliee replied. Coal was now getting his clothes on there casual uniform,a black pair of cargo pants and a dark blue short sleeve compression shirt that had a black Phoenix head with a silver Border/outline.

"Shut up already or I'll make you do 250 push-ups, we need to get ready remember that little vacation thing you guys go to every year and have 2 weeks off?" Coal now had his black boots on. Meliee just huffed under his breath and started getting dressed.

"Where we going anyways?" Meliee asked. Coal, who is fully dressed and eating a cereal bar he had pulled out of his dresser.

"I don't know I've never been the girls said that had an idea." Coal said as he took another bite finishing his breakfast. Meliee, now dressed, stood up and walked to the door.

"Great so no idea where we're going, just like always, I'm left out." He states and opens the door. Coal got up and grabbed his goggles putting them around his neck.

"Aw shut up man even i don't know where we're going." Coal retorted as he walked out of there room. "I mean come on sometimes you just have to go with there plan. not saying its good just have to go with it." Meliee chuckled.

"I guess you're right." Meliee said in defeat.

"Yup, why I'm captain and your not. Really the only reason I'm still in your room is cause mines currently being repaired and remodeled." Coal said as he and Meliee started to walk towards Coals office on the same floor. Meliee mumbled in reply. As they were walking they saw Meeka and Fay. Both girls were laughing their head off. Coal raised an eyebrow, all four were now standing in front of Coals office door, the two girls just kept laughing. Coal finally asked.

"What are you chuckle heads laughing at this time?" Coal said in an flat toned voice. Coal had to deal with the prankster Meeka all the time and Fay was normally a seriour person but atleast new how to take a joke. The two stopped laughing. Fay then spoke up.

"Oh just funny how we convinced the almighty coal to go you pale on us every year and Meliee's  shirts on backwards." Meliee eyes widened and he quick turned it around. Both girls were now laughing, Coal only stood with a stern face.

Meliee had now pushed into Coal's office. Fay and Meeka followed suit. Coal stared at the door his squad had just entered.

"Captain you can come out now. i need to give you some paper work before i leave." Ten yards behind Coal stood the captain of squad two who had been there the whole time. She stepped out of the door frame and walked up to him.

"Sorry s-sir." She said with a shocked and confused expression. Coal simply smiled and open the door. The captain then blushed and looked down. She had dark violet hair pulled back into a ponytail She also wore glasses, but still same uniform.

"It's alright captain, i knew you where going to stop by my office to make a double check anyway." She smiled, but her eyes suddenly grew wide. She stepped back and stood at attention and slammed her right hand to her chest as a salute. Coal rolled his eyes and saluted back. "Now get in there before i kick you in!" She squeaked and rushed in. Coal then went back to his normal stern face and walked in. The office was square, the back wall had one big window that had a view how the open sky.
As you walked in right in front of the window was a nick wood desk. The left wall had book shelves and trophy cases. The right wall had a couch and lazy boy in between them was a coffee table. Fay and Meeka had made them selves comfortable on the couch while Meliee was on the lazy boy.

"Hey, lola come sit on the couch with us!" Meeka called as she pointed to a spot in between her and Fay.

Lola just stood still. "I'm good standing ma'am." She said as she stood like she was being judged. Coal walked passed her and sat down in his chair behind his desk.

"Ok then if you girls have the train tickets ready we Will leave right after this ok?" Both fay and Meeka nodded. Meelie just sighed. "Well ok then... Lola here are the schedules for the next two weeks." Coal said as he pulled out a clipboard with a lot of papers on it. "Everything should be calm need any help ask the ex captain. Ive already told him I'm leaving and your in charge. Oh heres the keys to the compound." He said as he handed her them. "And i think thats it remember there's only 160 of us in total and for of us are gone." Coal smiled.

"Only 160 pfff yeah small..." She said sarcastically. Coal lifted an eyebrow.

"Well we are the smallest, but most known special force group in all nations so. Yes we are small, only 40 squads. Imagine a king or general with massive ranks." Coal proclaimed. Meelie was watching the whole exchange. Meelie was smart and he knew what Coal was saying said was true, they were the smallest but were very picky, only the strongest hearted and minded got in. They were the schild, which translated to be shield. They were strong reliable and above all the other forces willed, there sheer strength of will to win, protect, and serve for there faction and there brother faction.

"Yes sir...." She said as her head started to slump. Coal caught on quickly.

"Captain do not worry, you will do fine. I didn't just randomly pick anyone, i know what your capable of stay strong for a open weakness will spread and consume you. And i know your stronger then that." Coal then smiled.

"Yes sir!!" Lola now had her head high and a determined look.

"Good now thats over it's time we depart." Coal said as he looked at his squad who were standing up now. Coal turned back to lola. "Good luck captain." He smiled. Coal then walked out his squad following.

Lola stared at his desk. The desk had so much history all of the previous lead captains sat there and now here she was in charge like them. it was a scary feeling now she new what the captain must feel right???

Coal and Meliee were standing at the train station.

"So Coal how you feel?" Meliee said as he looked over at Coal who was staring at the sky. Coal kept looking out at the. "Yeah i get it, i feel relaxed you should to." He was still looking at Coal who still hadn't moved. Meliee looked at his captain they had been through a lot together. They fought side by side for what seems like forever and still the way he stood. His look his, pure white hair that was spiked up it glistened. The scar that ran down his right eye. He resembled something other captains didn't. He had earned the nickname the iron horse for a reason. Hard to the to the bone but somehow kept a warm heart.

"Hey you two we got the tickets we leave in ten minutes on train 13." Fay said as she walked up the the two, Meeka following behind fay.

"Ok so where we going?" Meliee said hoping for an answer. Meeka smiled at his question.

"Oh no where." Meeka started. "Just a small little town called verndieo." She finished with a smile. Meliee jaw almost fell off.

"W-what why there its in the middle of no where!!!!!!" Meliee yelled. Meeka smiled and cocked a grin.

"Thats the point." She added. Meliee didnt seem to excited about this whole going to some place in the middle of no where. Last year they went to a very nice expensive beach resort and now this.

"B-bu-" Meliee couldn't finish his sentence before Coal cut him off.

"Now complaining Meliee, I actually like the idea and sense I've actually agreed to going This time,I'm glad i did good choice meeka and fay." Coal said now looking at them. "And we should get aboard we have a long trip ahead." He said as he grabbed a back next to him walking to train dock 13. Meliee looked at him and the two girls as they walked away.

"This should be fun right? Right? Ugh i hope so." He said to him self as he walked to the train. Has he boarded the train whistled and took off to verndieo.

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