Chapter four :unforseen hero

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Lisa was trapped. she could run but for how long, and what about annie could she keep up and for how long as well. Lisa could fight but it would just be pointless she was extremely strong but six on one the odds were not in her favor.

"Hey guys I'm gonna go get a seat at this restaurant I researched on the way here!" Meliee yelled as he shot off. Coal and the girls watched him burst off leaving a slight trail.

"Ugh he's always thinking of food ." Meeka said as she shrugged walked down the path leading into town, Fay following suit. Coal was looking at the sky where Meliee was a mere dot now, he shook his head and looked towards the girls.

"Hey you two. I'm gonna catch up with Meliee, if i don't watch him, he'll end up destroying something as always!" Coal yelled before he rocketed towards the town tailing Meliee.


"Where is it, where is it,where is it!" he looked around his stomach growled. "Man I'm so- oh" he stopped as he spotted two girls one around his age and one young being surrounded. He cocked a brow and slowly drifted down to the scenario at hand in a calm demeanor.  They all stopped as he landed next to Lisa, she looked at him puzzled. "W-whart are you doing?" She asked looking over him ,not that she minded him helping, just didn't know who he was and why. Meliee just shrugged as he smiled down at her.

"Helping." He proclaimed and looked at the on comers. There were six of them. they where tough for the normal guard to handle but thats not what a shcild is,normal. "Really guys six to one?" Meliee looked them over and noticed who must be there leader wearing a white sleeveless shirt and ripped jeans with  a barrette covering most of his brown hair. "You low and pathetic with no respect but i say this now leave and there will be no.....problem ...ok?"

"Your!" He chuckled. "Pathetic."His Laughter roared. Meliee didn't seemed to be phased.

"I warned you...."Meliee said as he raised his hands and two blue orbs appeared around his hands.Cerbus stopped laughing in time to see the orbs. Cerbus laughed again.

"Wow woopty do look at you... You wanna play some ball is that it!" He chuckled more. Meliee didn't speak he just jumped up spread his wings and shot both orbs from his hand. one went straight at Cerbus as the other circled around the first. Cerbus not expecting the massive speed and the motion of the orbs dodge the first but the second one which circled around the first caught him in the chest exploding. He now laid in a burned ripped up heap. Meliee landed again a stretched his arms.

"I think that should have taught you some manners." He then looked at the others, they all where in shock. The gang was strong no one ever had the power to really step up and the guard was never there in time. Seeing there own leader nocked out in a try sent fear into them. they quickly picked Cerbus up and flew away. "There finished." He nodded, while Lisa and Annie sat in shock. Lisa knew who it was now, it was Meliee second in command and member of ,squad 1, right under captain Coal which meant the whole first squad was here and staying at her home. She just stared at him as he fixed his wings and stretched then out before tucking them in . It took a second  to compose her self but took a deep breath.

"T-thank you i-i'm l-Lisa your host for you v-vacation......." She said nervous he turned amd smiled.

"Oh! Nice to meet you Lisa i'm Meliee, thank you for letting us crash at your place. And no problem with this didn't even break a sweat!" He laughed a little. She blushed at his very joyful personality.

"S-so wheres the rest of your squad...." She asked, He just shrugged.

"Don't really kn-" he was cut off by Coal landing next to him.

"You causing problems again?" He said in a monotone voice. Lisa shook her head no.

"N-no problems at all he actually saved us." She smiled and blushed deeper listening to how girlish she was being today. Coal looked at Meliee.

" Well for once you didn't break anything.....shocker." Coal then looked at Lisa again. "I'm sorry Ma'am i forgot to introduce myself I'm Coal. And who might you be?" He smiled. Lisa was fan girling inside but didn't show it, her idols where here captain coal who was at her first show and her crush Meliee who she met once at a party and now they where here in front of her!

"I-i'm Lisa your host for your stay here." She smiled giddily . Coal nodded and reached out his hand.

"Pleasure to meet you, and thank you for letting us stay at your home while here." She took his hand and shook it.

"N-no problem." She blushed and smiled widely. "I actually saw you at my first show it was your first routine in a show to." She was in so much joy he smiled at her joy. Then stoped She almost forgot little Annie who was star struck at the moment. "Oh this is Annie." Lisa smiled and put and arm around the small girl. Meliee and Coal smiled. Meliee walked over and squatted down to her level.

"Hi nice to meet you I'm Meliee." He smiled gently. she stood in shock and fainted. Lisa started laughing as did Coal and Meliee. Meliee then stopped and looked at Coal.

"Wheres Meeka and fay?" He asked with a raised eyebrow , Coal just shrugged and replied.

"No idea." Then the sound of a mob rang out from down the street. The two looked at each other and realized what was happening.

"Oh no."

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