Chapter3:This ought to be good

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She walked in to see the mayor he was black skin and had a really nice suit on. He was looking down at paper work not noticing Lisa had walked in.

"Uh You asked for me?" Lisa said with a sheepish smile. The mayor looked up with his big smile.

"Yes i did."  He said in his deep voice that always seemed to be happy. "I summoned you here because we are going to have some celebrity guests in town and they want to lay low and relax a little so i thought since you have such a huge house that you'd let them stay there thats if you are ok with that." Lisa was shocked celebrities in her home which one who were they were some questions her mind was making. She took a deep breathe.

"Yesyesyesyes!" He smiled at her excitement.

"Wow you don't even know who they are?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Well it would be nice to know but still." She was so excited to meet celebrities.

"Wellll you may not know them there just the whole entire realms best flight team." He cocked a grin know that the schild was her favorite celebrities.

"OH.MY.GOSH!!!!!" She squealed and jumped up her wings spread out as she twisted in the air.

"Woo there calm down like i said there here to relax." She stopped and looked at him.

"Still doesn't mean I can't talk to them." She stuck her tongue out. He laughed

"Very true ,very true now run along now i've got things to do." She smiled ran out the door.

She flew straight out of the town hall and flew as fast as she could to her friends house. When she arrived,she slammed through the door slamming it open. Her best friend Eliea who was reading jumped up throwing her book in shock. "What the hell Lisa whats wrong?!?" Eliea asked panting, trying to gain composure.

Lisa had a giant smile on her face "nothings wrong silly." Elia looked at her confused.

"Then why did you slam down my  door? And you seem excited." Lias jumped in joy.

"You bet I'm excited MY FAVORITE Celebrities are in town and staying at MY PLACE for TWO weeks!" Elia looked shock.

"Oh my gosh schilds going to be here that's awesome." Lisa took a deep breathe. She looked Elia in the eye more serious.

"You can't let anyone know there here to relax and have fun okay?" Lisa said putting a hand on Elia shoulder. Elia nodded .

"Okay my lips are sealed." She move her hand across here mouth like she was zipping her lips shut. Lisa smiled at her friend.

"Good, and now i need to go help mrs holland so ill see you later" she said as she walked out the door, Elia smiled and waved goodbye.

"See you around Lisa!" Lisa waved and spread her wings giving a hard flap she lifted off the ground.

As Lisa flew over the town she saw her "little sis" the young girl lived in an orphanage sense she was 3 and now she was 7. Lisa had taken the young girl under her wing as her little sis .the two shared a strong bond. Lisa decided that she would stop and say hi but as she got closer she spotted a man she wish shed never saw. She landed in between him and her "little sis" the man smiled. "Well looky here a hero to save the day." He had a wicked smile and a disturbing look in his eyes.

Lisa turned and looked at her sis. "Annie you ok." The little girls face was filled of fear her light brown hair covered half of her face.

"H-he tr-tried to hurt m-me." Annie had now grabbed Lisa leg. Lisa looked down at her checking for any injuries, there were none, she then looked back at him.

"You need to back off sir!" She new this was the strongest and most dangerous bandit in town. The man then laughed.

"Aw now why would i do that." He grin wickedly showing his teeth. Lisa tried to back away but she saw one of his accomplices stand behind them. She was trying hard to think of how to get away but the options where few.

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