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            A giant knife flew over Rain's head and embedded itself in a very soft spot of tissue. The boy gave a bloodcurdling scream as blood poured down his left shoulder.

            "Dude, you almost hit me." Rain scratched her head and looked over at a very happy Kaelin. She frowned and pulled on the straps keeping the naked kid upright on the big wodden X, "Let me strap him in first, hold on." Rain clicked the last metal cuffs into place.

            "There, all done." The boy whimpered, frantically pulling on the peices of iron cutting into his skin, "Wait Kaelin," Rain asked, holding up a roll of duct tape, "D'you want him to scream or not?"

           Kaelin replied almost immediately, "Let him scream. I like it when they scream."

           Rain grinned, "LOOL." She began to move away, but then stopped. She turned back around and placed the roll of tape on top of the boy's head.

           "If you drop it, I'll eat your hand," she whispered. The boy's severed hand dangled before his face, swinging on its own veins like a gruesome pendulum. Rain laughed as the boy's eyes widened and spittle dribbled down his lips.

            "My turn!" Kaelin kicked Rain in the ass, and motioned for her to move.

            Rain punched her arm, but moved back to her corner, collapsing onto her colossal, blood stained bean bag.

            Kaelin looked alive, or, as alive as an extremely pale, half dead demonic zombie could look. She walked up to the boy and leaned in, "Ughh, you smell like old people." She scrunched her nose up in distaste, "I hate old people." The boy looked on the verge of crying "Now, look at this. It's a sharpie." Kaelin put a sharpie into the boy's view, "And, so, what do we do with sharpies? What? No. We draw with them, obviously."

            She brought the marker up level with the boy's face. Then, she proceeded to draw a circle right in the middle of his forehead. The boy, not daring to even move a muscle, looked at her in confused fear. Kaelin giggled.

            "It's your eye," she stated, as if the circular object with hairs coming from each direction looked even remotely like a human eye.

            "PPPFFFFFTTT WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?" Rain howled with laughter, almost drowning from her own spit.

            "Shut the fuck up." Kaelin shot back jokingly, "Not everyone can draw like you and Aurora."

            Rain continued her hooting laughter in the background as Kaelin turned back to the boy.

            "Kay, this is an eye," she continued her explanation as she continued drawing, "And this is the sharpie." She drew a random ovalish blob sticking out from the middle of the circle. The boy whimpered again, "Oh, wait, can't forget the blood."

            Kaelin held the sharpie in one hand, and in one single movement, she sank the sharpie slowly into his left eye.

            Bottom end first.

            The scream that echoed through the cabin was horrific. The boy thrashed like a pig in an electrocution box. Red liquid squirted from his mashed up eye as he tried to force his head away.

            Kaelin giggled again. She dropped the now used sharpie, and ran her hand down his face. Picking up a scalpel, she held it in front of him.

            "Now, do you know what this is?" she asked, waving the shiny blade round and around.

            The boy looked like he was about to shit his pants. His mouth flapped open and closed, but no sound came out. The eye that was unhurt, rolled around in its socket like a ping pong ball. His other eye was pushed in, resembling a bright red version of chunky mashed potatoes and gooey white and red cheese. Kaelin looked over at Rain.

            "Rain." She waved her head towards her hand with the scalpel then at the boy. Rain grinned.

            Kaelin grinned back, "Ok, here we go." She looked a the boy for a second, debating about where to cut first. Deciding, she held up the scalpel. And cut the back of her own hand...just to try it out of course, to make sure that it was sharp enough. Satisfied that it cut through skin easily, she then poked the boy in the stomach.

            It was a light puncture, not too deep since they were just starting, but the boy made a choking noise and started to cry again.

            Kaelin looked fascinated by the dark crimson liquid. She looked back at Rain once more.

            "Rain. Pass it."

            Rain groaned in annoyance, "Get it yourself," she whined.

            "Ill pass you his insides."

            Immediately Rain jumped up and went to the equipment shelf. As she busied herself with searching for the equipment--they usually just threw it somewhere on the ground and Aurora would clean it up--Kaelin smirked and quickly poked the boy again.

            Blood oozed from the tiny dots on his stomach. Feeling very happy, Kaelin made several more pokes before throwing the scalpel on the floor. Looking around for a moment, she bent down (more like used her feet to grab it, since Kaelin couldn't bend in any way, shape or form) and picked up a thin 6 inch knife. Laying it on the boys forearm she slid it steadily downwards to his palm, making sure to miss the major arteries along the way.

            Blood quickly soaked the knife, along with her hand and the floor. Wiping off a bit of blood from the blade, she then ran her finger under both her eyes.


            Rain stopped her rummaging and turned. She burst into laughter.

            "You look like an Indian," she said between laughs.

            Grinning like an idiot, Kaelin went back to cutting. Slicing through his skin was like slicing through a slab of cooked tofu. You needed to press just enough the get the blade past the skin, then after that it was as easy as just sliding the blade down and following the lines.

            A minute later, Kaelin stopped and stepped back. Red lines of all different sizes and lengths ran up and down every inch of the boy's body. Thin dribbles of blood oozed out from the shallow cuts, painting his entire body red. His skin sagged in places where Kaelin had cut it up so much that it came right off of the red flesh underneath.

            Kaelin looked very, very satisfied. Taking the edge of the knife she sliced off the ribbons of skin from the top of his chest. Right away, the slabs of skin fell down and dangled from the boy's lower stomach.

            "Look, it's like a carpet." Kaelin was playing with the shreds of red and yellow skin, running her knife back and forth under the dangling peices, bits of skin coming off as she did it. Laughing like a maniac, all of a sudden, Kaelin pulled the strips down. Fast.

            At that moment, Aurora walked in carrying a giant plate of steaming hot chocolate chip peanut butter cookies.

            "Anybody want cookies?"

~~~ powder right? Cuz um I made that part up...but yeah...gore ^.^ and its in the next chapter too cuz...gore...yeab the end sucks cuz i gotta go. k bye

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